Dental hygienists' knowledge of HIV, attitudes towards people with HIV and willingness to conduct rapid HIV testing

Autor: Winnie Furnari, Bhuma Krishnamachari, Marilyn Cortell, Anthony J. Santella, B Watts, Susan H Davide, SC Haden
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: International journal of dental hygiene. 11(4)
ISSN: 1601-5037
Popis: Objectives: To normalize rapid human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) testing in the United States, expanded rapid HIV testinginitiatives are needed outside the routine medical setting. The dentalsetting is a logical choice as almost two-thirds of Americans regularlysee a dental provider each year. This study was aimed to determinethe dental hygienists’ knowledge of HIV, attitudes towards peopleliving with HIV and willingness to conduct rapid HIV testing.Methods: A national cross-sectional survey of practicing dentalhygienists and senior dental hygiene students were recruited usingstate dental hygiene associations, email LISTSERVS, dental hygieneprogrammes and continuing education conferences (n = 634).Results: The mean knowledge score was 10.5/13. High versus lowtest-scorers (75% of test questions or more answered correctly versusless than 75% answered correctly) did differ in their comfort level incounselling about sexual HIV prevention methods (P = 0.03) andcomfort level in working with medically compromised patients(P = 0.04). Conclusion: Dental hygienists, with additional training inHIV prevention counseling and diagnostic testing, may be anappropriate profession to conduct rapid HIV testing.Key words: dental health services; dental hygienist; humanimmunodeficiency virus; human immunodeficiency virus testing; oralhygiene
Databáze: OpenAIRE