Skin Tightening of Aging Upper Arms Using an Infrared Light Device

Autor: Heather Woolery-Lloyd, Marianna Blyumin-Karasik, Nidhi Avashia, Joely Kaufmann, Panta Rouhani, Maria Miteva, Paolo Romanelli
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Dermatologic Surgery. 37:441-449
ISSN: 1076-0512
Popis: BACKGROUND Upper arm skin laxity is an important area of cosmetic concern. Recent studies using a noninvasive infrared device has demonstrated its efficacy in tightening skin in various body regions. The use of this device in upper arm loose skin has not been investigated. OBJECTIVES To determine the safety and efficacy of an infrared device to treat upper arm laxity in aged skin. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twenty women with mild to very loose aged upper arm skin underwent two treatments with an infrared device 1 month apart. Nineteen patients completed the study with a 3-month follow-up. Outcome measures included investigator and participant evaluations of skin laxity improvement, blinded photographic assessments of skin tightening, and differences in circumferences and spectrophotometric analysis of collagen content in the treated arms. Two patients participated in histological evaluations. RESULTS The patient and investigator clinical assessments showed minimal improvement in skin laxity. There was a statistically significant decrease in arm circumference. Blinded photographic assessments and spectrophotometric analysis revealed no statistical improvement in skin laxity. The immediate post-treatment histological evaluations showed architectural disarray of dermal collagen and elastin. CONCLUSION An infrared device is safe, well tolerated, and minimally effective in treating aged upper arm skin laxity.
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