Changes in the ascorbic acid and glutathione contents of stored and sprouting potatoes

Autor: Lionel Bradley Pett
Rok vydání: 1936
Zdroj: Biochemical Journal. 30:1228-1232
ISSN: 0306-3283
DOI: 10.1042/bj0301228
Popis: THE indication given by Guthrie [1932] that the glutathione content of potatoes increases on sprouting has been investigated. Ascorbic acid has been included in the study and the exact time relations of this change, as well as the effects of storing the potatoes at different temperatures are here reported. The ascorbic acid and glutathione contents of potatoes seem to be at a maximum just at maturity and to decline gradually on storing even when the potatoes are refrigerated, tending to come to a certain low plateau value. Forced or natural sprouting at any point in this decline, or plateau, resulted in a marked rise to rather high values, followed by a rapid drop to the low level again. Remarkable similarity between the changes in glutathione and in ascorbic acid has been observed. The observed instability of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on storage is of the greatest importance from the viewpoint of the nutritive value of potatoes.
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