Clindamycin-Resistant Fusobacterium varium Bacteremia and Decubitus Ulcer Infection

Autor: M. C. Legaria, S. Rosetti, V. Rodriguez, G. Lumelsky
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2005
Popis: Bacteremia due to Fusobacterium spp. is unusual (Fusobacterium varium is especially uncommon. The most probable sources of Fusobacterium bacteremia are the respiratory, the gastrointestinal, and the genitourinary tracts. A.-M. Bourgault et al. (Clin. Infect. Dis. 25[Suppl. 2]:181-183) described 40 patients with Fusobacterium bacteremia; only 3 had Fusobacterium varium , and no one had decubitus scars as the portal of entry. In another published series (S. Henry, A. De Maria, and W. R. McCabe, Am. J. Med. 75:225-231, 1983) of 26 cases, two patients had concomitant pulmonary lesions and decubitus ulcers but there was no identification to the species level mentioned. We report a case of Fusobacterium varium bacteremia and infected sacral decubitus ulcer in an elderly patient.
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