On a Geometric Model of Bodies with 'Complex' Configuration and Some Movements

Autor: Ilia Tavkhelidze, Mamanti Rogava, Diego Caratelli, Maria Transirico, Paolo Emilio Ricci, Johan Gielis
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Modeling in Mathematics ISBN: 9789462392601
Modeling in mathematics : proceedings of the second Tbilisi-Salerno workshop on modeling in mathematics / Gielis, Johan [edit.]; et al.
DOI: 10.2991/978-94-6239-261-8_10
Popis: Aim of this chapter is analytical representation of one wide class of geometric figures (lines, surfaces and bodies) and their complicated displacements. The accurate estimation of physical characteristics (such as volume, surface area, length, or other specific parameters) relevant to human organs is of fundamental importance in medicine. One central idea of this article is, in this respect, to provide a general methodology for the evaluation, as a function of time, of the volume and center of gravity featured by moving of one class of bodies used of describe different human organs.
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