An evolutionary channel for CO-rich and pulsating He-rich subdwarfs

Autor: M M Miller Bertolami, T Battich, A H Córsico, L G Althaus, F C Wachlin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Recently a new class of hot subluminous stars strongly enriched in C and O have been discovered (CO-sdOs). These stars show abundances very similar to those observed in PG1159 stars but at lower temperatures. Moreover, it has been recently suggested that C and O enrichment might be the key ingredient driving the pulsations in He-rich hot subdwarf stars (He-sdBVs). Here we argue that these two types of rare stars can be explained by a variant of one of the main channels forming hot subdwarf stars. The scenario involves the formation and merging of a He-core white dwarf and a less massive CO-core white dwarf. We have constructed a simple merger models and computed their subsequent evolution. The merger products are in agreement with the surface parameters and composition of CO-sdOs. In addition, we have performed simulations including the effects of element diffusion and the excitation of pulsations. These simulations show that less massive merger products can form stellar structures that have surface parameters, abundances, and pulsation periods similar to those displayed by He-sdBVs. We conclude that the proposed scenario, or some variant of it, offers a very plausible explanation for the formation of CO-sdOs, pulsating He-sdBs and low-luminosity PG1159 stars.
6 Pages, 4Figures. Companion paper to "Discovery of hot subdwarfs with extremely high carbon and oxygen abundances" by Klaus Werner et alia
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