Spanish colonization of Florida in the first quarter of the 16th century: methods, features, causes of failure

Autor: Ashrafyan, Konstantin
Přispěvatelé: Yarovoy Eugeniy
Rok vydání: 2022
Dissertation keywords Juan Ponce de Leon
Ponce de Leon
Christopher Columbus
Diego Columbus
Diego Colon
House of Columbus
House of Columbus
House of Trastamar
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Isabella I of Castile
Anton Alaminos
Spring of Youth
Spain XVI
XVI century
Spain 16th century
16th century
West Indies
West Indies
history of Florida
expeditions to Florida
florida expeditions
Spanish Florida
French Florida
Castilian crown
crown of Castile
castile and Leon
spanish crown
south Florida
south Florida
illegal trade
french pirates
the silver age of piracy
Royal Decree
Old World
Diego de Cuellar
Gulf of Mexico
Aborigines of America
Local tribes
local tribes of America
Key West
Discovery of Florida
Royal Charter
Local Administration
Florida coast
Capture of Indians
Slavery of Indians
indians of florida
development of florida
discovery of new lands
junta of valladolid
captains of the 16th century
maps of the 16th century
maps of the XVI
spanish colonization
spanish colonization of florida
resistance aborigine
royal treasurer
royal judge
florida land
florida governor
florida coast
french flag
spanish colonization of florida
governor of florida island
chief's house
florida indian culture
florida indians
pre-seminole period
periodization of florida
colonization of florida
florida tribe
florida tribes
florida indian tribe
tribes of south florida
the reason for the failure of the expedition
failed expeditions
the disappeared tribe of Florida
the disappeared tribes of Florida
North America
Spanish invasion
Spanish society
royal decree
kingdom of Aragon
Crown of Castile
Tribe of the south of the Peninsula
Governor of Florida
bulls of the Pope
bulls of the Pope
settlement of Florida
distribution of Indians
encomienda system
florida culture
Bahama Channel
Bahama Archipelago
gulf stream
spanish conquistador
Royal Council
Holy Roman Empire
Chief Pilot
Dominican Friar
Dominican Order
Castilian Court
Dominican Order
Catholic Order
Catholic Faith
French King
Francis I
remembrance of the Spaniards
governor of Cuba
governor of San Juan
San Juan
history of Florida
map of florida settlement
habitat of indians
local population of Florida
cape Fear
governor's deputy of Cuba
peoples of Florida
governor of Puerto Rico
indian lifestyle
Florida island
aborigines of the New World
france of the 16th century
frazzu pirates
giovani verazano
west Indian territory
expedition financing
west florida
east florida
old world
new world
chesapeake bay
future florida
chief shaman
chief priest
native american culture
Culture of America
disappeared aborigines of America
disappeared tribes of America
Junta of Burgos
Indian rights
Aboriginal rights
Spanish colonial period
Spanish heritage
stone cross
unknown expeditions
Christian religion
Christian world
population decline
aborigines of the New World
Indian tribes of South Florida
Spanish colonization of the New World
original Fountain Youth
the House of Commerce
the land of the Florida Indians
the discovery of North America
the Council of the Indies
the archive of the Indies
the archive of Spain
the introduction of the encomienda system
the uprising of the aborigines
revolt of the black slaves
Governor-General of the West Indies
defender of the Indians
Las Casas
black legend
denigration of the Spaniards
pink legend
matecumbe and tocobaga
Florida gold
Olag [Olagale] (Olagale)
Abalachi (Abalachi
i.e. Appalachian Mountains)
Onogotomo [Onagatano] (Onagatano)
Mogoso [Mocoso] o (Mogoso or Mokoso)
Tocobaga [Tocovaga] (Tokobaga or Tokovaga)
Cañogacola o [Cañagacola] (Cangocola o Canagacola)
Pebe (Pebe)
Quega [Esquega] (Eskega)
Osigbede [Osiguebede] (Osigbede Osigebede)
Piyaya (Piyaya)
Tanpacaste (Tanpacaste)
moscoko. the land of Ice
the Indian of southwest Florida
the king of Aragon
the face of the Cortes of Castile
the method of Christianization of aborigines
the migration of aborigines
the Florida Museum
the attack of the Caribs
the inevitability of the failure of attempts to develop Florida
the society of Indians
the development of the territory of Florida
the foundation of the documents of the Spaniards XVI
Key West island
Cuba island
the island of Martyrs
the consequence of expeditions
failure of development
settlement of tribes of south Florida
southwest Florida
US territory
Tanpa (Tanpa)
Yagua (Yagwa)
Tantapaca [Estantapaca] (Estantapaca)
Queycher [Queyhcha] (Keycha)
Juestocobaga (Huestocobaga)
Sinapa (Sinapa)
Tomo (Tomo)
Cayuca (Cayuca)
Neguitun (Nyegitun)
Avir (Avir)
Cutespa (Kutespa)
Çononoguay [Çononogua] (Çononogwa)
Quete [Esquete] (Eskete)
Tonçobe [Tonsobe] (Tonsobe)
Chipi (Chipi)
Taguagemue (Tagwahemue)
Namuguya (Namuguya)
Caragara (Karagara)
[Henhenquepa] (Enenkepa)
Opacataga (Opacataga)
Janar (Hanar)
Curu [Escuru] (Escuru)
Metamapo (Metamapo)
Estame (Estame)
Çacaspada (Çacaspada)
Satucuava (Satucuava)
Juchi (Huchi)
Soco (Soko)
Vuebe (Vuebe)
Teyo (Teyo)
Muspa (Muspa)
Casitua [Casitoa] (Casitua or Kasitoa)
Cotevo (Cotevo)
Coyovia [Coyobea] (Coyobea)
Tequemapo (Tequemapo)
Jutan o Jutun (Hutan or Hutun)
Custevuiya [Custevia o Custebiya] (Custevuia or Custevia or Custebiya)
Land of Los Martiles [Los Martires]: Guarungunbe [Guarungube] (Gvarungube or Gvarungunbe)
Cuchyaga [Cuchiyaga] (Kuchiagao or Kuchiyaga)
Tatesta (Tatesta)
Tegesta [Tequesta] (Tequesta or Tequesta)
Tavuaçio [Tavuasia] (Tavuaçio or Tavuasia)
Janar (Hanar)
Cavista (Cavista)
Custegiyo (Custechiyo)
Jeaga (Heaga) and Asi (Asi)
Ays (Ice)
Vuacata [Guacata] (Vuacata or Guacata)
Tunsa (Tunsa)
Mayjuaca [Mayajuaca] (Mayhuaca or Mayahuaca)
Maycoya (Maykoya)
Mayaca (Mayaka)
Çilili (Çilili)
Potano (Potano)
Moloa (Moloa)
Utina (Utina)
Land near St. Augustine
Sotoriba [Sotoriva o Satoriwa] (Sotoriba or Sotoriva)
Moloaelbravo (Moloa el bravo)
Alimacany [Alimacani] (Alimacani)
Palica (Palica)
Tacatucuru (Takatucuru)
Guale (Guale)
Parca [Paica] (Paika Park)
Indians of southwest Florida
King of Aragon
Cortes of Castile
methods of Christianization of aborigines
migration aborigines
florida museum
carib attack
the inevitability of failure
attempts to develop Florida
the society of Indians
the life of the Indians of Florida
the life of the aborigines of Florida
the territory of Florida
the question of the territory of Florida
the semi-island of Florida
documents of the Spaniards of the XVI century
Key West island
Cuba island
the islands of the Martyrs
the consequence of expeditions
the failure of development
the settlement of tribes of south Florida
southwest Florida
the territory USA
map of Florida aborigines
map of settlement of Florida Indians
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7452063
Popis: The relevance of a particular study is always associated with the place that it occupies in the circle of special issues with access to the problems of our time. Identification of the reasons for the failure of Florida's development makes it possible to analyze the course of world history, comparing it with the events of today. The relevance of the stated topic is also determined by the low degree of knowledge of the circumstances of the discovery and the reasons for the failure of the development of Florida in the first quarter of the 16th century. It should be noted that there is a limited number of academic and scientific-practical studies covering this area in Soviet and Russian historical science. The work carried out as part of a dissertation research reveals the mechanisms and features of the relationship between royal power and local administration in the West Indies. This analysis of the struggle is relevant in relation to both the existing administrative and financial interests between the central government and the interests of regional elites. The study explains the underlying causes of this conflict, which influenced the course of the Spanish colonization of Florida. Today's actual task is the question of the memory of the disappeared tribes who previously inhabited the peninsula of Florida. Studying their culture and the successful struggle against the colonialists of the region, it must be emphasized that this struggle covered a long period: the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The tribes of southern Florida, united despite their differences, were able to repel all attempts by Europeans to establish their control over this territory. The paper highlights relevant historical events and analyzes the methods of confrontation between different cultures.
NB: this translation version of the dissertation may have errors due to the technical translation of the dissertation written in Russian.
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