Developing Situation Awareness in Simulation Prebriefing

Autor: Amanda L, Potter, Kristina T, Dreifuerst, Aimee, Woda
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Nursing Education. 61:250-256
ISSN: 1938-2421
Popis: Background: Prebriefing before simulation is a recommended practice that increases learner satisfaction and improves performance. Promoting situation awareness through prebriefing facilitates optimal learning outcomes. Method: Endsley's Model of Situation Awareness is applied to the cognitive work of nursing practice that occurs during the prebriefing phase of simulation. Perceiving, comprehending, and projecting about elements of a situation lead to clinical judgement, reasoning, decision making, and ultimately nursing actions. Results: Developing situation awareness in prebriefing is a supported process that connects learners' prior knowledge and experience with the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities in the simulation environment. These mental models become the foundation for understanding the relevance of perceived information, comprehending its meaning, and directing nursing actions. Conclusion: The simulation facilitator influences the development of situation awareness by focusing perception on key elements and scenario objectives, fostering psychological safety, and enhancing familiarity with the simulation environment during prebriefing. [ J Nurs Educ . 2022;61(5):250–256.]
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