Spatial and temporal profiling of receptor membrane insertion controls commissural axon responses to midline repellents

Autor: Thibault Gardette, Julien Falk, Valérie Castellani, Aurora Pignata, Hugo Ducuing, Olivier Thoumine, Servane Tauszig-Delamasure, Leila Boubakar, Karine Kindbeiter, Muriel Bozon
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.1101/540690
Popis: Accurate perception of guidance cues is crucial for axonal pathfinding. During their initial navigation in the spinal cord, commissural axons are kept insensitive to midline repellents. Through yet unclear mechanisms acting during midline crossing in the floor plate, they switch on responsiveness to various repulsive signals, that establish a permanent midline barrier and propel the axons for exit. Whether these gains of response are coupled to occur in synchrony or rather are independently activated through signaling-specific programs is fully unknown. We set-up a paradigm for live imaging and super resolution analysis of guidance receptor dynamics during commissural growth cone navigation in chick and mouse embryos. We uncovered a remarkable program of delivery and allocation of receptors at the growth cone surface, generating receptor-specific spatial and temporal profiles. This reveals a mechanism whereby commissural growth cones can discriminate coincident repulsive signals that they functionalize at different time points of their navigation.
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