Fossil molluscs from the Middle Miocene of Öhningen, southwestern Germany

Autor: Rodrigo Brincalepe Salvador, Olaf Höltke, Bárbara L. Valentas-Romera, Michael W. Rasser
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Herein, we revise an extensive set of mollusc fossils from the Upper Freshwater Molasse deposits of Öhningen palaeolake (SW Germany; Middle Miocene, MN7). Based on material housed in paleontological collections in Europe and North America, we present the first thorough systematic account of the phylum from this historic locality. A total of ten species were identified from Öhningen: three freshwater gastropods (Lymnaea dilatata Noulet, 1854, Gyraulus cf. applanatus (Thomä), Planorbarius mantelli (Dunker)), two terrestrial gastropods (Granaria cf. schuebleri (Klein), Palaeotachea sylvestrina (Schlotheim)), and five bivalves (Anodonta splendens Goldfuss, A. lavateri (Münster), Pseudunio flabellatus (Goldfuss), “Dreissena” sp., Pisidium escheri (Mayer-Eymar, 1865)). Three freshwater and five terrestrial gastropod genera mentioned in older literature could not be found in the available material. Ours is the first report of a Dreissenidae from Öhningen.
Databáze: OpenAIRE