Automated Detection and Analysis of Particle Beams in Laser-Plasman Accelerator Simulations

Autor: Estelle Cormier-Michel, Hans Haggen, Oliver Rubel, Peter Messmer, Daniela Ushizima, Prabhat, Janet Jacobsen, Bernd Hamann, Cameron Geddes, Gunther H. Weber, E. Wes Bethel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Machine Learning
Popis: Chapter 1 Automated detection and analysis of particle beams in laser-plasma accelerator simulations Daniela M. Ushizima 1 , Cameron G. Geddes 1 , Estelle Cormier-Michel 1 , E. Wes Bethel 1 , Janet Jacobsen 1 , Prabhat 1 , Oliver Ruebel 1,3 , Gunther Weber 1 , Peter Messmer 2 , Bernd Hamann 1 , Hans Haggen 4 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA 2 Tech-X Corporation, Boulder, CO, USA 3 University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Introduction Numerical simulations [1] of laser-plasma wakefield (particle) accelerators [2] model the acceler- ation of electrons trapped in plasma oscillations (wakes) left behind when an intense laser pulse propagates through the plasma. The goal of these simulations is to better understand the process involved in plasma wake generation and how electrons are trapped and accelerated by the wake [3, 4]. Understanding of such accelerators, and their development, offer high accelerating gradi- ents, potentially reducing size and cost of new accelerators. One operating regime of interest is where a trapped subset of electrons loads the wake and forms an isolated group of accelerated particles with low spread in momentum and position [3], desirable characteristics for many applications. The electrons trapped in the wake may be accel- erated to high energies, the plasma gradient in the wake reaching up to a gigaelectronvolt per cen- timeter [2]. High-energy electron accelerators power intense X-ray radiation to terahertz sources, and are used in many applications including medical radiotherapy and imaging [1]. To extract information from the simulation about the quality of the beam, a typical approach is to examine plots of the entire dataset, visually determining the adequate parameters necessary
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