PRC2-Associated Chromatin Contacts in the Developing Limb Reveal a Possible Mechanism for the Atypical Role of PRC2 in HoxA Gene Expression

Autor: Marie Kmita, Claudia Gentile, Fanny Guerard-Millet, Soizik Berlivet, Josée Dostie, Denis Paquette, Alexandre Mayran, Emmanuel Bajon
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Developmental cell. 50(2)
ISSN: 1878-1551
Popis: Preventing inappropriate gene expression in time and space is as fundamental as triggering the activation of tissue- or cell-type-specific factors at the correct developmental stage and in the correct cells. Here, we study the impact of Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) function on HoxA gene regulation. We analyze chromatin conformation of the HoxA cluster and its regulatory regions and show that in addition to the well-known role of PRC2 in silencing Hox genes via direct binding, its function is required for the changes in HoxA long-range interactions distinguishing proximal limbs from distal limbs. This effect stems from the differential PRC2 occupancy over the HoxA cluster and, at least in part, from the ability of PRC2-bound loci to engage in long-range contacts. Unexpectedly, PRC2 also impacts chromatin conformation in a way that promotes enhancer-promoter contacts required for proper HoxA expression, pointing to a dual role of PRC2 in gene regulation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE