Stop Mass Exodus: Guidelines by the Reform Part of the Croatian State-Party Leadership for the Policy Regarding Labour Migrants from the Socialist Republic of Croatia in Western Europe

Autor: Wollfy Krašić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Radovi Zavoda za znanstvenoistraživački i umjetnički rad u Bjelovaru
Volume 0
Issue 16
ISSN: 1848-7912
Popis: The paper presents the fundamental guidelines issued by the reform part of the Croatian state-party leadership in the early 1970s regarding the issue of the increasing number of labour migrants from the Socialist Republic of Croatia in Western Europe. In this context, an analysis of the aforementioned trend within the Communist Party of Croatia was made, which was oriented towards spreading the autonomy of the Socialist Republic of Croatia within Yugoslavia. It limited the introduction of market mechanisms in the Yugoslav economy, and abolished the patterns of operation and behaviour of state-party officials, the roots of which lied in the Yugoslav unitarism or the idea of Greater Serbia. Since the reform movement had been ended in Croatia by force, it was not even attempted to implement a part of the planned policies. Although several policies continued to be advocated, there was no genuine wish or possibility for the implementation. For the purposes of comparison, the paper illustrates – using selected documents from the second half of the 1970s and the 1980s – the relationship of the Yugoslav communist regime to labour migrants, in particular the ones from the Socialist Republic of Croatia, and the main characteristics of the return-emigrant trends in the labour migrant population on the relation Yugoslavia – Western Europe. Nevertheless, in this period, further mass exodus was halted, and even a part of labour migrants returned. This was what the reform part of the Croatian state-party leadership strived to achieve, yet the principal reason lied in the suppressing factors in Western Europe. On the other hand, however, those labour migrants, who managed to keep/get employment in Western Europe in the midst of crisis, were joined by their family members. This radically reduced their chance of return. The Yugoslav authorities claimed in public, and their officials in many closed meetings, how very dedicated they were to the return of labour migrants, although the regime suffered from major difficulties in the context of employment, even of the persons who were forced to return. During the 1960s and in the early 1970s, the Yugoslav diplomatic, consular and other officials abroad continued to maltreat, humiliate and deprive labour migrants of the Croatian nationality of the recognition of their national identity.
U ovome radu predstavljene su temeljne smjernice reformnoga dijela hrvatskoga državno-partijskog vodstva s početka 1970-ih godina za odnos prema rastućemu broju radnih migranata iz Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske (SRH) u Zapadnoj Europi. Također, u kontekstu nastojanja analizirane su spomenute struje unutar Saveza komunista Hrvatske (SKH), koja su išla u pravcu širenja autonomije SRH unutar Jugoslavije, ograničena uvođenja tržišnih mehanizama u jugoslavensko gospodarstvo i dokidanja obrazaca djelovanja i ponašanja državno-partijskih dužnosnika, koja su imala temelj u jugoslavenskome unitarizmu ili pak velikosrpstvu. Zbog nasilna okončanja reformnoga pokreta u Hrvatskoj nije došlo ni do pokušaja provođenja dijela zamišljenih politika, no jedan se dio nastavio zagovarati, ali bez stvarne želje i mogućnosti za provođenje. U članku je za potrebe usporedbe na temelju izabranih dokumenata iz druge polovice 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina ilustriran odnos jugoslavenskoga komunističkog režima prema radnim migrantima, posebice onima iz SRH-a, kao i glavne karakteristike iseljeničko-povratničkih tokova u populaciji radnih migranata na relaciji Jugoslavija – Zapadna Europa. U tome je razdoblju ipak došlo do zaustavljanja daljnjega masovnog iseljavanja, pa i povrata dijela radnih migranata, čemu je težio reformni dio hrvatskoga državno-partijskog vodstva, ali prvenstveno zbog potisnih faktora u Zapadnoj Europi. S druge strane, onim radnim migrantima kojima je pošlo za rukom zadržati/dobiti posao u krizi zahvaćenoj Zapadnoj Europi pridružili su se članovi obitelji, čime su radikalno smanjene šanse za njihov povratak. Jugoslavenske su vlasti u javnosti, kao i njihovi dužnosnici, na raznim zatvorenim sastancima tvrdili kako su posvećeni povratku radnih migranata, dok je režim imao velike teškoće u zapošljavanju čak i onih koji su bili prisiljeni na povratak. Također, kao i tijekom 1960-ih i početkom 1970-ih, radni migranti hrvatske nacionalnosti nastavili su biti izloženi maltretiranju, ponižavanju i negiranju elemenata nacionalnoga identiteta, što su provodili jugoslavenski diplomatski, konzularni i drugi dužnosnici u inozemstvu.
Databáze: OpenAIRE