[The effect of prenatal stress on antioxidant glutathion-assosiated enzymes activity in subcellular fractions of rat's liver]

Autor: O. G. Semenova, A. V. V’yushina, N.E. Ordyan, A. V. Pritvorova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Biomeditsinskaia khimiia. 67(4)
ISSN: 2310-6972
Popis: The activity of glutathione-associated antioxidant enzymes in subcellular fractions (cytosolic, mitochondrial, and cell nucleus fractions) was investigated in the liver of adult male Wistar rats born after prenatal stress was. Two groups of animals were studied in the experiment: (1) control group included - animals was born by intact mothers, and (2) prenatal stress group included animals whose mothers were subjected to immobilization stress in high-light conditions from the 15th to the 19th day of pregnancy. The activity of glutathione peroxidase (EC in prenatally stressed animals decreased in the fractions of nuclei and mitochondria compared to the control group, while the activity of glutathione reductase (EC increased in the same subcellular fractions. The activity of glutathione transferase (EC in prenatally stressed rats reduced in the cytosol and mitochondrial fractions as compared to control group. Redistribution of the antioxidant enzyme activity in the cytosol, the fraction of nuclei and the mitochondrial fraction of liver tissue may contribute to the formation of the pathological phenotype of prenatally stressed offspring.Opredelena aktivnost' glutation-zavisimykh antioksidantnykh fermentov v subkletochnykh fraktsiiakh (tsitozol'noĭ, mitokhondrial'noĭ i iadernoĭ) pecheni vzroslykh krys samtsov linii Wistar, rodivshikhsia posle perenesennogo prenatal'nogo stressa. V éksperimente ispol'zovalos' dve gruppy zhivotnykh: (1) kontrol' — zhivotnye, rodivshiesia u intaktnykh samok, i (2) prenatal'nyĭ stress — zhivotnye, materi kotorykh podvergalis' s 15 po 19 den' beremennosti immobilizatsionnomu stressu v usloviiakh povyshennoĭ osveshchennosti. U prenatal'no stressirovannykh zhivotnykh aktivnost' glutationperoksidazy (KF snizhaetsia vo fraktsiiakh iader i mitokhondriĭ po sravneniiu s kontrol'noĭ gruppoĭ, togda kak aktivnost' glutationreduktazy (KF uvelichivaetsia v étikh zhe subkletochnykh fraktsiiakh. Aktivnost' glutationtransferazy (KF u prenatal'no stressirovannykh krys snizhaetsia v tsitozole i mitokhondrial'noĭ fraktsii po sravneniiu s kontrol'nymi zhivotnymi. Pereraspredelenie aktivnosti issledovannykh antioksidantnykh fermentov v tsitozole, iadernoĭ i mitokhondrial'noĭ fraktsiiakh tkani pecheni mozhet vnosit' vklad v formirovanie patologicheskogo fenotipa prenatal'no stressirovannykh potomkov.
Databáze: OpenAIRE