As mães de filhos mortos/desaparecidos na ditadura militar no Brasil: da luta política das mulheres à inserção no espaço público

Autor: Fatima Maria Leite Cruz, Maria de Fátima de Souza Santos
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: L'Ordinaire des Amériques, Vol 222 (2017)
Popis: Este artigo discute resultados de entrevistas realizadas em Recife, capital do estado de Pernambuco, no âmbito da pesquisa “Identidade e memória dos ‘anos de chumbo’: a trajetória de familiares de presos e desaparecidos políticos durante a ditadura militar em Belo Horizonte, Recife, Brasília e Vitória”. No recorte buscamos compreender o impacto da militância contra a ditadura militar na dinâmica familiar e nas concepções de mulher e maternidade. Realizamos 19 entrevistas e selecionamos duas que ressaltavam as trajetórias de mulheres na busca de seus filhos. A análise do conteúdo permitiu a construção de dois eixos temáticos inter-relacionados. No primeiro, levantamos as mudanças nos papéis sociais no interior das famílias, e no segundo, a ocupação do espaço público pelas mulheres-mães. Observou-se o impacto da ditadura militar reconfigurando o papel tradicional da mulher no seio da família e, na busca de seus filhos essas mulheres foram, paulatinamente, se inserindo na vida pública, exercendo um papel político, gestando novas formas de conceber a mulher e a maternidade e modificando seu lugar de mulher e mãe na sociedade. Cet article discute une partie des entretiens menés à Recife, Pernambuco, dans le cadre de la recherche « Identités et mémoire des “années de plomb” : la trajectoire de parents de prisonniers politiques et des disparus pendant la dictature militaire à Belo Horizonte, Recife, Brasília et Vitória ». Nous avons analysé l’impact du militantisme contre la dictature militaire sur la dynamique familale et, plus particulièrement, sur les conceptions de femme et de maternité. Nos avons fait 19 entretiens dont nous avons choisi deux qui ont mis en lumière les trajectoires des mères dans la recherche de leurs enfants. L’analyse du contenu a permis la construction de deux axes thématiques interdépendants. Le premier met en évidence les changements des rôles sociaux dans la famille et le deuxième souligne l’occupation de l’espace public par les mères et la reconfiguration du rôle traditionnel des femmes. Dans la recherche d’information sur leurs enfants, ces femmes sont progressivement entrer dans la vie publique, en jouant un rôle politique et, ainsi, elles ont changé leur place d’épouse et de mère dans la société. This paper discusses part of the regarding interviews carried out in Recife, the state capital of Pernambuco, within the research “ Recognition and memories of the ‘years of lead’: the reports from families of missing political activists and political prisioners during the military dictatoryship in Belo Horizonte, Recife, Brasília e Vitória”. In this data selection that is exposed here, there was the need to focus on understanding the impact of militancy against the military dictatorship in the family dynamics and in women and motherhood concepts. Nineteen interviews were accomplished and two were chosen as they highlighted the history of women in search of their children. The content analysis of those interviews led to the construction of two themed axes interrelated. In the first, the changes in social roles were studied, and, in the second, the occupation of the public space by the women/mothers. The impact that the military dictatorship had in the family dynamics was observed from the interviews setting up the role of the women within the family and the occupation of public space. As long as mothers of dead and/or missing militants displayed their traditional protecting role of their offspring, new ways to understand the women and motherhood were emerging and those women were gradually participating more in public life by exercising a political role and by modifying their position as woman and mother in society.
Databáze: OpenAIRE