Memory performance following napping in habitual and non-habitual nappers

Autor: Alyssa S C Ng, Nicole Yu, Ruth L. F. Leong, James N. Cousins, Michael W. L. Chee, Nicholas I Y N Chee, S Azrin Jamaluddin, Ju Lynn Ong
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Sleep
ISSN: 1550-9109
Popis: Study Objectives Afternoon naps benefit memory but this may depend on whether one is a habitual napper (HN; ≥1 nap/week) or non-habitual napper (NN). Here, we investigated whether a nap would benefit HN and NN differently, as well as whether HN would be more adversely affected by nap restriction compared to NN. Methods Forty-six participants in the nap condition (HN-nap: n = 25, NN-nap: n = 21) took a 90-min nap (14:00–15:30 pm) on experimental days while 46 participants in the Wake condition (HN-wake: n = 24, NN-wake: n = 22) remained awake in the afternoon. Memory tasks were administered after the nap to assess short-term topographical memory and long-term memory in the form of picture encoding and factual knowledge learning respectively. Results An afternoon nap boosted picture encoding and factual knowledge learning irrespective of whether one habitually napped (main effects of condition (nap/wake): ps < 0.037). However, we found a significant interaction for the hippocampal-dependent topographical memory task (p = 0.039) wherein a nap, relative to wake, benefitted habitual nappers (HN-nap vs HN-wake: p = 0.003) compared to non-habitual nappers (NN-nap vs. NN-wake: p = 0.918). Notably for this task, habitual nappers’ performance significantly declined if they were not allowed to nap (HN-wake vs NN-wake: p = 0.037). Conclusions Contrary to concerns that napping may be disadvantageous for non-habitual nappers, we found that an afternoon nap was beneficial for long-term memory tasks even if one did not habitually nap. Naps were especially beneficial for habitual nappers performing a short-term topographical memory task, as it restored the decline that would otherwise have been incurred without a nap. Clinical Trial Information NCT04044885.
Databáze: OpenAIRE