Gauging success of a project: a case study of the TOKTEN-India Umbrella Project

Autor: M K D Rao
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Research Evaluation. 15:175-186
Popis: The Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN) is an ongoing programme of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in over 30 countries. This paper suggests a user-friendly approach to gauge success of the erstwhile TOKTEN-India as well that of the more complex TOKTEN Umbrella Project in India. Complexity comes from the micro dimension of individual activities and the macro dimension of holistic output. The task became harder because its three components were expected to vibrate in resonance concurrently, while walking along their separate routes. Putting a price tag on outputs of larger incubation time, valuable byproducts and spin-offs and on institutionalized activities has thrown additional challenges. Copyright , Beech Tree Publishing.
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