Possible aclimatization of fall armyworm in Zadar county

Autor: Kadoić Balaško, Martina, Zlodi, Monika, Bažok, Renata
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Entomologia Croatica
Volume 20
Issue 1
ISSN: 1849-0441
DOI: 10.17971/ec.20.1.2
Popis: Jesenska sovica (Spodoptera frugiperda) značajan je polifagni štetnik iz porodice sovica. Potječe iz suptropskog i tropskog područja Amerike, gdje se smatra ekonomski važnim štetnikom na kultiviranim biljkama. Prvi je put, izvan američkog kontinenta, zabilježen u zapadnoj Africi početkom 2016. godine te se potom nastavio širiti prema Aziji i Australiji. Zbog velike mogućnosti migracije (odrasla sovica za vrijeme ljetnih mjeseci preleti do 2 000 km), ovaj štetnik bi se vrlo brzo mogao pojaviti i na području Mediterana. Uslijed klimatskih promjena i ekoloških zahtjeva jesenske sovice opravdana je sumnja da bi se ovaj štetnik mogao udomaćiti u Europi, ali i u Hrvatskoj. Na razvoj i širenje jesenske sovice najviše utječu temperature, oborine i dostupnost biljke domaćina. Cilj je rada prikazati biološke i ekološke osobine jesenske sovice, prikazati trenutni status u svijetu i utvrditi mogućnost aklimatizacije u području srednje Dalmacije (Zadar). S postaje Zadar prikupljeni su meteorološki podaci za razdoblje od 2010. do 2020. godine. Pogodnost područja određena je na temelju izračuna sume efektivnih temperatura potrebnih za razvoj jedne generacije (termalni prag 10,9 °C, suma 559 °C srednjih dnevnih temperatura iznad praga i mjesečna količina oborina ispod 100 mm). Provedena analiza meteoroloških podataka i njihova usporedba sa zahtjevima štetnika pokazala je da aklimatizacija štetnika nije moguća, ali da zbog povoljnih uvjeta u proljetnom i ljetnom periodu postoji opasnost od sezonskih migracija jesenske sovice na područje Zadarske županije.
The fall armyworm is an important polyphagous pest of the owlet moth’s family. It is native to subtropical and tropical regions of the Americas, where it is considered an economically important pest of crops. Outside the Americas, it was first recorded in early 2016 at West Africa and then spread further into Asia and Australia. Due to the great possibility of migration (an adult moth flies over 2000 km in the summer months), this pest could appear very quickly in the Mediterranean region. Due to climate change and the ecological requirements of the fall armyworm, there is a reasonable suspicion that this pest could become established in Europe and Croatia. The development and spread of the fall armyworm are mainly influenced by temperatures, precipitation and the availability of the host plant. The aim of this work is to present the biological and ecological characteristics of the fall armyworm, to present its current status in the world and to determine the possibility of acclimatization in the area of Central Dalmatia (Zadar). Meteorological data for the period from 2010 to 2020 were collected from the station in Zadar. The suitability of the area was determined by calculating the sum of effective temperatures required for the development of one generation (thermal threshold 10.9 °C, the sum of 559 °C mean daily temperatures above the threshold and the monthly amount of precipitation below 100 mm). The analysis of meteorological data and their comparison with the requirements of the pest showed that acclimatization of fall armyworm is not possible, but that due to the favorable conditions in spring and summer there is a risk of seasonal migration in Zadar County.
Databáze: OpenAIRE