Tracheid buckling buys time, foliar water uptake pays it back: Coordination of leaf structure and function in tall redwood trees

Autor: Alana R. O. Chin, Paula Guzmán‐Delgado, Stephen C. Sillett, Lucy P. Kerhoulas, Anthony R. Ambrose, Andrew R. McElrone, Maciej A. Zwieniecki
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Plant, Cell & Environment, 45 (9)
ISSN: 0140-7791
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000557116
Popis: Tracheid buckling may protect leaves in the dynamic environments of forest canopies, where rapid intensifications of evaporative demand, such as those brought on by changes in light availability, can result in sudden increases in transpiration rate. While treetop leaves function in reliably direct light, leaves below the upper crown must tolerate rapid, thermally driven increases in evaporative demand. Using synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography, we visualized impacts of experimentally induced water stress and subsequent fogging on living cells in redwood leaves, adding ecological and functional context through crown-wide explorations of variation in leaf physiology and microclimate. Under drought, leaf transfusion tracheids buckle, releasing water that supplies sufficient temporal reserves for leaves to reduce stomatal conductance safely while stopping the further rise of tension. Tracheid buckling fraction decreases with height and is closely coordinated with transfusion tissue capacity and stomatal conductance to provide temporal reserves optimized for local variation in microclimate. Foliar water uptake fully restores collapsed and air-filled transfusion tracheids in leaves on excised shoots, suggesting that trees may use aerial water sources for recovery. In the intensely variable deep-crown environment, foliar water uptake can allow for repetitive cycles of tracheid buckling and unbuckling, protecting the tree from damaging levels of hydraulic tension and supporting leaf survival.
Plant, Cell & Environment, 45 (9)
Databáze: OpenAIRE