Finite Automata as Regular Language Recognizers

Autor: Luca Breveglieri, Angelo Morzenti, Stefano Crespi Reghizzi
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Texts in Computer Science ISBN: 9783030048785
Texts in Computer Science ISBN: 9781447155133
Popis: In this chapter we introduce finite automata, discuss their properties, and present their role as recognizers of regular languages, in particular at the lexical level of compilation. After an overview of general string recognition algorithms and automata, we focus on finite-state devices. We define the notions of state accessibility, determinism, spontaneous move, ambiguity, and we analyze the relations between finite automata and grammars. We present the basic constructions for cleaning, determinizing, and minimizing automata. Then we spend more time on the methods for deriving regular expressions from automata, and, conversely, for obtaining finite deterministic recognizers from regular expressions; the latter methods are also used for eliminating nondeterminism. Finally, by exploiting their relation to finite automata, we introduce regular expressions extended with the operations of complement and intersection.
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