Additional file 2: of MiR-190a potentially ameliorates postoperative cognitive dysfunction by regulating Tiam1

Autor: Liu, Qiang, Aisheng Hou, Yongyi Zhang, Guo, Ying, Jingjing Li, Yinghao Yao, Kaimeng Niu, Li, Hao, Yunlong Ma, Jiangbei Cao
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9724460.v1
Popis: Figure S1. The detailed time line of the euthanization of study animals. According to the protocol, all mice were euthanized before obtaining hippocampal tissue. All mice were deeply anesthetized based on several signs (see Methods part). Then the mice were decapitated 24 h after operation, brains were instantly dissected on ice, and the hippocampal tissues were obtained and stored in liquid nitrogen. Figure S2. Volcano plot of miRNA expression in replication cohort. This dataset (GSE95070) was downloaded from the GEO database. Figure S3. The results of qRT-PCR for technical replication. Expression level of the most significantly mmu-miR-190a-3p was validated by using real-time PCR assay. Reverse transcription reaction was performed with M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase kit (Takara Code: D2639A) based on the manufacturersâ protocol. Figure S4. WGCNA module-based analysis for genes and miRNAs expression data. The genes and miRNAs expression data of GSE73507 were acquired from GEO database. After the filtering process, 13,241 mRNAs and 546 miRNAs from hippocampus tissue of wild type mice (n = 24) were included for WGCNA analysis. Figure S5. KEGG pathway analyses for mmu-miR-190a-3p highly related genes in red module. We refined 169 genes from red module with a highly connected with mmu-miR-190a-3p (Fig. 2b) and used ClueGO (v. 2.3.4) to decipher the pathways and determine their biological functions. (PPTX 118 kb)
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