Main Trends of Foreign Trade of PRC during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan in Terms of Target Intensification of Trade and Economic Relations with Russia

Autor: Mikhail N. Kulapov, Maxim A. Ponomarev, Yuri G. Odegov
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 6, Iss 6 S3 (2015)
ISSN: 2039-2117
Popis: Economic relations between Russia and China gradually enter into the most active phase, primarily due to the successful results of the official visits of heads of state and government. Trade between the countries become more active increasingly that contributes to the development of economic relations in general. In order to understand the reasons for this development against the background of the ongoing growth of the Chinese economy, the focus of attention in this article is the foreign trade of China as the dominant component of the activity of economic relations with other countries. The article presents an analytical summary of the results and prospects of foreign trade of the People's Republic of China (PRC) according to the Eleventh Five-Year Plan results (2005-2010). Besides formulated general conclusions and trends, such indicators as the trade balance, the global, sectoral, regional, commodity structure of exports and imports are analyzed detailed , and also the reasons for these trends in foreign economic activity of the country are investigated. Among the analyzed basic forms of foreign trade it is considered tolling system and its place in the trade of goods. Indicators of foreign trade products and services are analyzed separately. The basic trend in the development of trade and economic relations between China and Russia is investigated. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s3p19
Databáze: OpenAIRE