Hypothenemus Westwood 1834
Autor: | Johnson, Andrew J., Hulcr, Jiri, Knížek, Miloš, Atkinson, Thomas H., Mandelshtam, Michail Yu., Smith, Sarah M., Cognato, Anthony I., Park, Sangwook, Li, You, Jordal, Bjarte H. |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.3847187 |
Popis: | Hypothenemus Westwood, 1834: 35 (Figs. 16���18) Synonymy = Hypothonemus LeConte, 1868: 154 (unavailable name). = Stephanoderes Eichhoff, 1872a: 132. = Homoeocryphalus Lindemann, 1877: 168. = Triarmocerus Eichhoff, 1878a: 383. = Triarmocerus Eichhoff, 1878b: 119. = Adiaeretus Hagedorn, 1909: 744. = Trischidias Hopkins, 1915: 12. = Stylotentus Schedl, 1939d: 380 (unavailable name). = Chondronoderes Schedl, 1940c: 589. = Epsips Beeson, 1941: 373 (unavailable name). = Archeophalus Schedl, 1941a: 392. = Pachynoderes Schedl, 1941a: 393. = Lepiceroides Schedl, 1957b: 59. = Ernophloeus Nunberg, 1958: 484. = Stylotentus Schedl, 1963a: 448. = Periocryphalus Wood, 1971: 33 syn. nov. = Lepiceriodes Schedl, 1977c: 499 (unavailable name). Type of genus Tomicus eruditus Westwood, 1834. Diagnosis Eye emarginated. Antennal club with partial septum, and straight, weakly procurved or sinuate sutures. Lateral margins of pronotum carinate. Hypomeron with hair-like or scale-like setae (not bifurcating).Third tarsal segment cylindrical. Male dwarfed and flightless. Species or specimens with deviations in the antennal club (lacking sutures or a partial septum) or eye (entire) are rarely encountered. Female Eye emarginated, except for some individuals of small species where this is not apparent. Frons variable, usually convex, sometimes with small to large concave region below level of eyes, or a small tubercle in the center. Antennal funicle with two to five segments. Antennae for most species with three approximately straight or weakly procurved sutures, and a partial septum. Larger species tend to have the sutures more procurved than smaller species. A small number of rarely collected species have no visible septum, and some of these have very poorly defined, procurved sutures. Pronotum with 2���10 marginal asperities. Pronotal declivity with asperities up to the summit, which may be elevated. A carina marks the dorsolateral margin of the pronotum. The setae on the hypomeron are simple, never bifurcating. Elytra typically convex, rarely with granules or spines. Vestiture mostly consisting of interstrial rows of scale-like, less commonly hair-like, setae. Interstrial ground vestiture typically sparse or absent, and if present, usually restricted to the elytral apex. Apex of the elytra weakly elevated. Posterior margin of the metanepisternum typically covered by the elytra or barely visible. Metatibia with socketed denticles restricted to apical fifth. Third tarsal segment cylindrical. Proventriculus with well-developed apical plate, typically with transverse rows of teeth visible. Male Usually much smaller than female with smaller eyes and vestigial wings, rarely found outside galleries. Penis apodemes of a similar length to penis body and flattened, ribbon-like, free at apex. Tegmen open dorsally, with a median ventral apodeme. Spiculum gastrale weakly forked, of a similar diameter to the tegmen (but smaller than the ribbon-like penis apodemes). Basal sclerites not visible. Distribution Worldwide in tropical and subtropical areas, rarely in temperate areas in Eastern North America and Eastern Asia. Remarks In total, 221 species known. Hypothenemus was originally described as a subgenus of Tomicus Latreille, 1802, thus the placement of parentheses for Hypothenemus eruditus (Westwood, 1834), which has not been widely used. Trischidias is treated as a synonym following Bright (2019), which is similar to the species previously placed in Periocryphalus. They were previously diagnosed based on the entire eye (which is variable within species and often of a typical weak emargination of Hypothenemus), and by the antennae without a septum (which has been found in several unrelated Hypothenemus lineages as well). The relationship between Hypothenemus and Trischidias is long-standing, Wood (1954) remarked that they were ���obviously derived from Hypothenemus ���. We confirm the placement within Hypothenemus with the type of the genus, corroborating previous phylogenies (Johnson et al. 2018) Similarly, Periocryphalus Wood, 1971 is recognized here as a new synonym of Hypothenemus. The species in this genus are unusual, having antennae without visible sutures, stout body shape and a flared apical margin of the declivity. While internal morphological or genetic data were not available in this study, all external characters are in agreement with Hypothenemus. Hypothenemus is a remarkably common genus in tropical and subtropical regions with several of the world���s most abundant species in many forest localities. Also very frequently intercepted in global trade due to its wide range on host materials and high abundance. At least two species are obligate seed feeders and pests of certain crops. In addition to their common presence under bark, they are also known to reproduce in unusual plant material of grasses, vines, pith, leaf petioles, fruiting bodies of fungi (Deyrup, 1987), manufactured products (Browne, 1961), and even found in old galleries of other bark beetles (Johnson, unpublished). Type material examined Holotype of Hypothenemus apicalis Wood, 1974 (USNM); paratype of Hypothenemus bauhaniae Schedl, 1950 (BMNH); paratype of Hypothenemus artocarpi Browne, 1978 (BMNH); holotype of Hypothenemus ascitus Wood, 1971 (USNM); paratype of Ernoporus nigrina Schedl, 1967 (NHMW); cotype of Stephanoderes attenuatus Eggers, 1935 (NHMW); holotype of Hypothenemus barinensis Wood, 2007 (USNM); holotype of Triarmocerus birmanus Eichhoff, 1878 (NHMW); paratype of Stephanoderes cryphalomorphus Schedl, 1939 (BMNH); allotype of Hypothenemus columbi Hopkins, 1915 (USNM); holotype of Cryphalus hispidulus LeConte, 1868 (MCZ); holotype of Stephanoderes cuneolus Schedl, 1936 (NHMW); paratype of Stephanoderes curtipennis Schedl, 1950 (USNM); paratype of Cryphalomorphus samoanus Browne, 1977 (USNM); holotype of Crypturgus dissimilis Zimmermann, 1868 (MCZ); holotype of Hypothenemus dolosus Wood, 1974 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus erectus LeConte, 1876 (MCZ); paratype of Tomicus eruditus Westwood, 1834 (BMNH); paratype of Stephanoderes erythrinae Eggers, 1936 (BMNH); paratype of Stephanoderes nanulus Schedl, 1948 (BMNH); paratype of Hypothenemus beameri Wood, 1954 (BMNH); paratype of Stephanoderes hirsutus Wood, 1954 (BMNH); holotype of Hypothenemus indigens Wood, 1974 (USNM); lectotype of Hypothenemus ingens Schedl, 1942 (NHMW); paratype of Stephanoderes javanus Eggers, 1908 (NHMW); holotype of Margadillius loranthus Schedl, 1942 (NHMW); paratype of Hypothenemus major Browne, 1970 (BMNH); holotype of Hypothenemus meridensis Wood, 2007 (USNM); paratype of Trischidias minutissimus Wood, 1954 (NHMW); paratype of Hypothenemus namosianus Browne, 1983 (BMNH); holotype of Hypothenemus nanellus Wood, 1971 (USNM); holotype of Archeophalus natalensis Schedl, 1941 (NHMW); holotype of Miocryphalus nigrinus Schedl, 1965 (MRCB); paratype (?) of Miocryphalus nigrinus Schedl, 1965 (NHMW); holotype of Eidophelus nitidus Schedl, 1965 (NHMW); holotype of Hypothenemus parvistriatus Wood, 2007 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus piaparolinae Johnson, Atkinson and Hulcr, 2016 (USNM); holotype and paratype of Periocryphalus pullus Wood, 1971 (USNM); holotype and paratype of Hypothenemus rugosipes Wood, 2007 (USNM); holotype of Ptilopodius shoreae Schedl, 1953 (BMNH); holotype of Hypothenemus solocis Wood, 1974 (USNM); paratype of Miocryphalus spinatus Schedl, 1977 (NHMW); holotype of Ptilopodius squamosus Schedl, 1953 (BMNH); paratype of Trischidias striatus Atkinson, 1993 (TAMU); paratypes (10) of Hypothenemus subterrestris Johnson, Atkinson and Hulcr, 2016 (FSCA); holotype of Hypothenemus suspectus Wood, 1974 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus teretis Wood, 1971 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus trivialis Wood, 1974 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus vesculus Wood, 1974 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus virolae Wood, 2007 (USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus vitis Browne, 1970 (BMNH). Included species Hypothenemus aberrans Browne, 1973: 287. Hypothenemus abhorrens Wood, 2007: 504. Hypothenemus abruptus (Schedl, 1961b: 135) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus acaciae (Eggers, 1920: 120) (Cryphalus). Hypothenemus adscitus (Schedl, 1950b: 46) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus adustus Bright, 2019: 122. Hypothenemus aethiops (Schedl, 1965e: 26) (Lepiceroides). Hypothenemus africanus (Hopkins, 1915: 30) (Stephanoderes). = Hypothenemus concavifrons Bright and Torres, 2006: 405 (syn: Bright, 2019). Hypothenemus agnatus (Eggers, 1924: 103) (Stephanoderes). = Stephanoderes tungamwansolus Schedl, 1939d: 385 (syn: Beaver and L��yttyniemi, 1989). = Hypothenemus confusus Eggers, 1940c: 235 (syn: Beaver and L��yttyniemi, 1989). Hypothenemus alternatus (Eggers, 1943b: 73) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus amakusanus (Murayama, 1934b: 287) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus amplissimus Bright and Torres, 2006: 404. Hypothenemus apicalis Wood, 1974a: 19. Hypothenemus areccae (Hornung, 1842: 117) (Bostrichus). = Stephanoderes obscurus Eichhoff, 1872a: 133 (syn: Wood, 1975b). = Stephanoderes depressus Eichhoff, 1878b: 155 (syn: Wood, 1975b). = Hypothenemus vafer Blandford, 1896b: 241 (syn: Wood, 1974b). = Stephanoderes fungicola Eggers, 1908: 216 (syn: Eggers, 1929c). = Stephanoderes polyphagus Eggers, 1924: 104 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes hispidus Eggers, 1925: 156 (syn: Wood, 1960). = Hypothenemus heterolepsis Costa Lima, 1928: 117 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson, 1935a: 102 (syn: Wood, 1960). = Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson, 1940: 193 (syn: Wood, 1960). = Stephanoderes bambesanus Eggers, 1940c: 232 (syn: Wood, 1989). = Stephanoderes subvestitus Eggers, 1940c: 232 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes martiniquensis Eggers, 1941a: 99 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Hypothenemus oahuensis Schedl, 1941b: 110 (syn: Wood, 1960). = Hypothenemus subglabratus Schedl, 1942c: 174 (syn: Beaver, 1991). = Hypothenemus bauhaniae Schedl, 1950a: 19 (syn: Wood, 1989). = Stephanoderes occidentalis Schedl, 1954b: 76 (syn: Wood, 1989). Hypothenemus artocarpi Browne, 1978: 588. Hypothenemus arundinis (Eichhoff, 1878a: 386) (Stephanoderes). = Stephanoderes arundinis Eichhoff, 1878b: 157 syn. nov. Hypothenemus ascitus Wood, 1971: 35. Hypothenemus ater Eggers, 1932: 31. Hypothenemus aterrimulus Wood, 1989: 178. = Lepiceroides aterrimus Schedl, 1957b: 59 (syn: Wood, 1989). Hypothenemus aterrimus (Schedl, 1951e: 104) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus atomus Hopkins, 1915: 15. = Hypothenemus impressifrons Hopkins, 1915: 15 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Hypothenemus marylandicae Hopkins, 1915: 15 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Hypothenemus robiniae Hopkins, 1915: 15 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Hypothenemus toxicodendri Hopkins, 1915: 15 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Ernoporus nigrina Schedl, 1967b: 7. Hypothenemus atratus (Schedl, 1964c: 45) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus attenuatus (Eggers, 1935: 306) (Stephanoderes) comb. nov. [Afromicracis]. Hypothenemus aulmanni Hagedorn, 1912b: 41. = Cryphalus tonsus Eggers, 1919: 242 (syn: Beaver, 1999). Hypothenemus avitus Bright and Poinar, 1994: 186. Hypothenemus balachowskyi Menier, 1971: 141. Hypothenemus baloghi (Schedl, 1967c: 226) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus bambusae Browne, 1980d: 775. Hypothenemus barinensis Wood, 2007: 505. Hypothenemus bauhaniae (Schedl, 1950a: 20) (Stylotentus). Hypothenemus bezaziani Peyerimhoff, 1935: 192. Hypothenemus bicinctus Schedl, 1959a: 479. Hypothenemus bidens Browne, 1973: 288. Hypothenemus bifurcatus Bright, 2019: 127. Hypothenemus birmanus (Eichhoff, 1878a: 384) (Triarmocerus). = Triarmocerus birmanus Eichhoff, 1878b: 486 syn. nov. = Hypothenemus maculicollis Sharp, 1879: 101 syn. nov. (syn: Browne, 1970). = Hypothenemus peritus Blandford, 1894b: 84 syn. nov. (syn: Browne, 1970). = Hypothenemus farinosus Blandford, 1896b: 241 syn. nov. (syn: Browne, 1970). = Hypothenemus validus valens Sampson, 1914: 385 syn. nov. (syn: Browne, 1970). = Stephanoderes perkinsi Hopkins, 1915: 21 syn. nov. (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes psidii Hopkins, 1915: 32 syn. nov. (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes sterculiae Hopkins, 1915: 32 syn. nov. (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes alter Eggers, 1923a: 219 syn. nov. = Stephanoderes uter Eggers, 1923a: 219 syn. nov. = Stephanoderes nibarani Beeson, 1933: 10 syn. nov. = Stephanoderes ampliatus Eggers, 1936c: 627 syn. nov. = Stephanoderes pacificus Beeson, 1940: 197 syn. nov. = Stephanoderes castaneus Wood, 1954: 1027 syn. nov. = Stylotentus dubius Schedl, 1971b: 372 syn. nov. Hypothenemus biseriatus (Eggers, 1919: 240) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus bolivianus (Eggers, 1931: 29) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus brevicollis (Eggers, 1927a: 177) (Stephanoderes). = Stephanoderes lamuensis Eggers, 1935: 304 (syn: Beaver, 2011b). Hypothenemus brevis Eggers, 1932: 30. Hypothenemus californicus Hopkins, 1915: 19. = Hypothenemus tritici Hopkins, 1915: 19 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Hypothenemus thoracicus Hopkins, 1916: 598. = Stephanoderes zeae Schedl, 1973a: 169 (syn: Wood, 1989). Hypothenemus camerunus (Eggers, 1922: 167) (Stephanoderes). = Stephanoderes brunneipes Nunberg, 1960: 289. Hypothenemus carbonarius Eggers, 1943b: 73. Hypothenemus carinafrons Bright, 2019: 128. Hypothenemus colae (Schedl, 1957b: 54) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus collinus Bright, 2019: 129. Hypothenemus columbi Hopkins, 1915: 18. = Hypothenemus abdominalis Hopkins, 1915: 18 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Hypothenemus brunneipennis Hopkins, 1915: 18 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Hypothenemus rufopalliatus Hopkins, 1915: 18 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Hypothenemus amplipennis Hopkins, 1915: 19 (syn: Wood, 1954). Hypothenemus concolor Hagedorn, 1909: 744. Hypothenemus costatus (Eichhoff, 1878a: 386) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus crinatus Bright, 2019: 131. Hypothenemus criticus (Schedl, 1937a: 398) (Cryphalus). = Hypothenemus alternans Browne, 1970: 554 (syn: Schedl, 1972i). Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer, 1791: 35) (Bostrichus). = Cryphalus mucronifer Wollaston, 1867: 116 (syn: Wood, 1989). = Cryphalus hispidulus LeConte, 1868: 156 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Hypothenemus nanus Hagedorn, 1909: 744 (syn: Schedl, 1952e). = Stephanoderes differens Hopkins, 1915: 25 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes brasiliensis Hopkins, 1915: 26 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Stephanoderes guatemalensis Hopkins, 1915: 26 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Stephanoderes lecontei Hopkins, 1915: 26 (syn: Wood, 1954). = Stephanoderes paraguayensis Hopkins, 1915: 26 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes trinitatis Hopkins, 1915: 28 (syn: Bright and Torres, 2006). = Stephanoderes uniseriatus Eggers, 1924: 103 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes polyphagus Costa Lima, 1924: 316 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes largipennis Toledo Piza Junior, 1924: 354 (syn: Costa Lima and Ravache, 1925). = Stephanoderes fallax Costa Lima, 1924: 414 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes lebronneci Beeson, 1935a: 104 (syn: Wood, 1972b). = Stephanoderes hivaoea Beeson, 1935a: 105 (syn: Wood, 1972b). Hypothenemus cryphaloides (Eichhoff, 1878a: 384) (Triarmocerus). = Triarmocerus cryphaloides Eichhoff, 1878b: 119 (syn: Alonso- Zarazaga and Lyal, 2009). Hypothenemus cuneolus (Schedl, 1936: 24) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus curtipennis (Schedl, 1950b: 45) (Stephanoderes). = Cryphalomorphus samoanus Browne, 1977: 61. Hypothenemus cylindraceus Schedl, 1972c: 287. Hypothenemus cynometrae Schedl, 1957b: 50. Hypothenemus delicatus Schedl, 1964c: 44. Hypothenemus deprecator (Schedl, 1941a: 393) (Pachynoderes). Hypothenemus dexter (Sampson, 1922: 141) (Cryphalus). Hypothenemus dimorphus (Schedl, 1959b: 168) (Stephanoderes). Hypothenemus dipterocarpi Hopkins, 1915: 17. = Hypothenemus mangarevanus Beeson, 1940: 196 (syn: Wood, 1972b). Hypothenemus discordis Bright, 2019: 133. Hypothenemus dissimilis (Zimmermann, 1868: 144) (Crypturgus). = Stephanoderes chapuisii Eichhoff, 1872a: 132 (syn: Eichhoff, 1896). Hypothenemus distinctus Wood, 1954: 1053. Hypothenemus dolichocola Hopkins, 1915: 19. Hypothenemus donisi (Schedl, 1957b: 46) (Ericryphalus). = Ericryphalus madagascariensis Schedl, 1961b: 131 (syn: Wood, 1989). Hypothenemus dorsosignatus (Schedl,1950b: 46) (Stephanoderes). = Stephanopodius fijianus Schedl, 1955a: 289 (syn: Beaver, 1991). Hypothenemus dubitalis Bright, 2019: 134. Hypothenemus ebenus Wood, 2007: 529. Hypothenemus elephas (Eichhoff, 1872a: 132) (Stephanoderes). = Adiaeretus spinosus Hagedorn, 1909: 745 (syn: Schedl, 1963a). Hypothenemus emmi (Hagedorn, 1913: 254) (Cryphalus) (Fossil taxon). = Stephanoderes emmi Eggers, 1919: 240 (syn: Eggers, 1927a). Hypothenemus erectus LeConte, 18 Published as part of Johnson, Andrew J., Hulcr, Jiri, Kn����ek, Milo��, Atkinson, Thomas H., Mandelshtam, Michail Yu., Smith, Sarah M., Cognato, Anthony I., Park, Sangwook, Li, You & Jordal, Bjarte H., 2020, Revision of the Bark Beetle Genera Within the Former Cryphalini (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), pp. 1-81 in Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (3) on pages 29-39, DOI: 10.1093/isd/ixaa002, http://zenodo.org/record/3826789 {"references": ["Westwood, J. O. 1834. Description of a minute coleopterous insect, forming the type of a new subgenus allied to Tomicus, with some observations upon the affinities of the xylophaga. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 1: 34 - 36, pl. VII.", "LeConte, J. L. 1868. Appendix Pages 150 - 178 In: C. Zimmermann (ed.), Synopsis of the Scolytidae of America north of Mexico. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 2: 141 - 178.", "Eichhoff, W. J. 1872 a. Neue exotische Tomiciden-Arten. Berl. Entomol. Z. 15: 131 - 136.", "Lindemann, K. 1877. 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