Artificial light at night decreases the pupillary light response of dark-adapted toads to bright light

Autor: Jean SECONDI, Madeleine F. SCRIBA, Nathalie MONDY, Thierry LENGAGNE
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Integrative zoologyREFERENCES.
ISSN: 1749-4877
Popis: Artificial light at night (ALAN) is expanding worldwide. Many physiological effects have been reported in animals, but we still know little about the consequences for the visual system. The pupil contributes to control incoming light onto the retina. Sudden increases in light intensity evokes the pupil light reflex (PLR). Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) affect PLR and melatonin expression, which largely regulate circadian rhythms and PLR itself. IpRCG receive inputs from various photoreptors with different peak sensitivities implying that PLR could be altered by a broad range of light sources. We predicted ALAN to enhance PLR. Contrary to our prediction, dark-adapted cane toads Rhinella marina, exposed to ALAN (5 lx) for 12 days, exhibited a lower PLR than controls and individuals exposed to 0.04 lx, even after 1 h in bright light. We cannot conclude whether ALAN induced a larger pupil size in dark-adapted toads or a slower initial contraction. Nevertheless, the response was triggered by a light source with an emission peak (590 nm) well above the sensitivity peak of melanopsin, the main photoreceptor involved in PLR. Therefore, ALAN alters the capacity of toads to regulate the incoming light in the eye at night, which may reduce the performance of visually guided behaviors, and increase mortality by predators or road kills at night. This first study emphasizes the need to focus on the effect of ALAN on the vision of nocturnal organisms to better understand how this sensory system is altered and anticipate the consequences for organisms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE