Tarih ve Kültür Temalı Parklar

Autor: Bora Bingöl, Ayşe Betül Gök
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Volume: 7, Issue: 15 129-140
İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi
ISSN: 1309-9876
Popis: Calisma saatlerinin azalmasiyla bos zamanlardaki artis, insanlarin yasam standartlarinin yukselmesi ve rekreasyon faaliyetlerine yonelik isteklerindeki degisiklikler ve degisen turizm talepleri ile turizm sektorunun deniz, kum, gunes uclemesine alternatif arayislari tema parklarinin ortaya cikmasini saglamistir. Tema parklari bilimsel, kulturel ve tarihsel konulari temel alan bir muze rolundedirler. Ancak konularini belirli bir tema cevresinde canlandirirlar. Bu canlandirma islemi isitsel ve gorsel sunumlarla ve interaktif yontemlerin kullanimiyla saglanir. Tema parklari icerisinde yer alan tarih ve kultur temali parklar da, farkli medeniyetlerin kultur ve tarihini, geleneklerini, mimarisini, inancini, yasam bicimini betimleyerek cesitli aktivite olanaklari sunan parklardir. Cesitli inanclara sahip bircok medeniyete ve kulture ev sahipligi yapmis olan ulkemiz, tarih ve kultur temali parklarin kurulmasi icin oldukca iyi bir potansiyele sahiptir. Ulkemiz klasik turizmin yani sira yeni deneyimler edinme ve farkli kulturler tanima istegine de karsilik verebilecek durumdadir. Cevreye duyarli, planlamasi dogru yapilmis, turistik tesislere yakin ve hizmet kalitesi yuksek tema parklarinin yapilmasi ulkemiz turizmine buyuk katki saglayacaktir. The increase in leisure time with the decrease in working hours has ena-bled the emergence of theme parks as a result of increasing in people's liv-ing standards and changes in requests for recreational activities and changing tourism demands and tourism sector's quest for alternatives to sea, sand and sun. The theme parks are a museum role based on scien-tific, cultural and historical issues. However, they animate their subject around a certain theme. This animation is provided by auditory and visual presentations and using interactive methods. Historical and cultural parks within theme parks are also parks that offer various activities by describing the culture and history, traditions, architecture, beliefs and lifestyle of dif-ferent civilizations. Our country, which has hosted many civilizations and cultures with various beliefs, has a very good potential for establishing his-torical and cultural parks. In addition to classical tourism, our country is al-so able to respond to the desire to acquire new experiences and to recog-nize different cultures. The construction of theme parks sensitive to envi-ronment, well planned, close to tourist facilities and high quality of service will contribute to the tourism of our country.
Databáze: OpenAIRE