Simulating the activation, contraction and movement of skeletal muscles using the bidomain model

Autor: Shingo Shimoda, Cesar Cantu, A. Lopez Rincon, Rogelio Soto
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: EMBC
Popis: A simulation of the muscle activation, contraction and movement is here presented. This system was developed based on the Bidomain mathematical model of the electrical propagation in muscles. This study shows an electrical stimuli input to a muscle and how this behave. The comparison between healthy subject and patient with muscle activation impairment is depicted, depending on whether the signal reaches a threshold. A 3D model of a bicep muscle and a forearm bone connected was constructed using OpenGL. This platform could be used for development of controllers for biomechatronic systems in future works. This kind of bioinspired model could be used for a better understanding of the neuromotor system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE