Relación entre leptina e insulina sanguíneas en mujeres chilenas obesas y no obesas

Autor: José Luis Santos M, Mabel Yáñez G, Patricia Arroyo A, Francisco Pérez B, Cecilia Albala B, Jaime Díaz C, Erik Díaz B
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Revista médica de Chile, Volume: 128, Issue: 2, Pages: 154-161, Published: FEB 2000
Revista médica de Chile v.128 n.2 2000
SciELO Chile
Popis: Background: Leptin, a product of ob gene and insulin blood levels, are proportional to the amount of adipose tissue. Insulin could have an independent regulatory effect on leptin secretion. Aim: To assess the relationship between serum leptin and plasma insulin levels in obese and lean Chilean women. Material and methods: One hundred forty five women, aged 20 to 60 years old, were studied. Weight, height, waist and hip circumference, fasting blood glucose, insulin and leptin levels were measured. Insulin resistance was assessed using the homeostasis model assessment. The relationship between different variables was determined using multiple linear regression, variance analysis and non parametric correlation. Results: Leptin serum concentrations were positively correlated with body mass index, insulin plasma levels and degree of insulin resistance. The association of leptin with insulin was independent of body mass index and persisted after adjustments by body fat distribution and age. Conclusions: Insulin and insulin resistance are associated to high blood leptin levels and this association is independent of the degree of adiposity and body fat distribution.
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