The diagnosis of respiratory disease in children using a phone-based cough and symptom analysis algorithm: The Smartphone Recordings of Cough Sounds 2 (SMARTCOUGH-C 2) trial design

Autor: Paul Porter, Esther M. Sampayo, Tony Keating, T. Bernard Kinane, Gheorghe Doros, Jesiel Lombay, John C. Carl, Blair A. Parry, Anna Cook, Udantha R. Abeyratne, Kay Taylor, Peter P. Moschovis
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Contemp Clin Trials
Popis: The diagnosis of acute respiratory diseases in children can be challenging, and no single objective diagnostic test exists for common pediatric respiratory diseases. Previous research has demonstrated that ResAppDx, a cough sound and symptom-based analysis algorithm, can identify common respiratory diseases at the point of care. We present the study protocol for SMARTCOUGH-C 2, a prospective diagnostic accuracy trial of a cough and symptom-based algorithm in a cohort of children presenting with acute respiratory diseases. The objective of the study is to assess the performance characteristics of the ResAppDx algorithm in the diagnosis of common pediatric acute respiratory diseases.
Databáze: OpenAIRE