Responses of cats to stimulation of the pulvinar complex: A behavioral and anatomical study

Autor: William W. Kaelber
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Experimental Neurology. 78:530-550
ISSN: 0014-4886
Popis: In 14 cats there was a total of 23 bipolar stimulating electrodes successfully implanted in the pulvinar (Pul) complex. An aversive response to ipsilateral intracranial stimulation (ICS) beginning with 0.25 mA occurred in all cases and the majority of cats learned to escape the painful stimulus delivered on at least one side by crossing a shuttle box barrier. After this behavior was well established, lesions were made ipsilaterally through the same electrodes. In the postlesion trials the animals no longer responded to the ICS at currents less than 100% above the prelesion intensities. Upon completion of the postlesion trials, the nonlesion side was subjected to ICS, and never showed a nociceptive block due to the contralateral lesion. Then the animal received a second similar lesion through the electrode and was again subjected to a postlesion trial series. In eight cases an auditory negative reinforcer was introduced prior to the noxious ICS, and when associated with avoidance this preferential response was retained after the lesions. Not infrequently the primary pain responses were expressed as, or associated with, affective (savage) behavior, ocular, or other extrapyramidal motor responses. Histological evaluation showed an essentially equal distribution of the electrode tips in the medial, lateral, and inferior pulvinar nuclei, suprageniculate nucleus, and two in the magnocellular part of the medial geniculate body. In brains where the deOlmos-Ingram silver stain was used to trace axonal degeneration, there were always heavy axonal and terminal projections to the reticular nucleus. The fibers then continued through the internal capsule to spread and end in the medial suprasylvian and ectosylvian gyri. Other significant subcortical projections to the pretectal region, central gray, nucleus centromedianus, and the zona incerta were observed.
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