Genetic Basis of Metastasis

Autor: Esra Gunduz, Catherine A. Moroski-Erkul, Mehmet Gunduz, Esin Demir
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: International Manual of Oncology Practice ISBN: 9783030162443
International Manual of Oncology Practice ISBN: 9783319216829
Popis: The variation between and among the many types of cancer presents a formidable challenge both to practicing clinicians and medical researchers. There are several characteristics that are common to all cancers such as unrestrained proliferation and evasion of cell death. Another common feature is that of metastasis. Metastasis is “initiated” when primary tumor cells acquire the ability to invade surrounding tissues and eventually develop secondary tumors in distant locations. This process appears to rely not only on changes at the genetic level of tumor cells themselves but also from their interaction with surrounding stromal cells and the immune system. The genetic and molecular changes that give rise to metastatic change are of special interest due to the significant decline in a patient’s prognosis after metastasis has occured. A host of genes and pathways involved in several pathways have been implicated in this process, several of which will be reviewed in detail.
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