The Russian Futuristic Experiment: the Language of the Poetic Resistance

Autor: Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Web of Science
ISSN: 2535-1265
DOI: 10.37708/bf.swu.v29i2.18
Popis: The main Avant-garde trend in the first third of the 20th century, Futurism, through its various groups and creative personalities, upholds its own conception of art and creator, strives to give a contemporary image of the world, to reveal the hidden essence of things, the inner relation of the elements. According to Futurism, art is meant to change lives, but not as it seems in the writings of nineteenth-century realists: by influencing the rational and changing the mind of the reader. The development of a new artistic expression, in a new poetic language, the use of contemporary forms of artistic conditionality have become major tasks for the generation of poets and artists from the 1910s. Poet futurists reduce the language of literature to its traditional understandings, neglect its inherent rules and laws, because they accept it as something external to the subject, which impedes the expression of its essence. From the depiction of the object to its expression - this is how the break in the creative mind of the futuristic author can be characterized. The linguistic revolution, effected with poetic means by the futurists, is a desperate and utopian attempt to acquire the organic integrity of the world, thirsting for its transformation. Thanks to futurism, the register of poetic techniques was expanded in the 20th century and directions were created for the creation of new expressive means of writing poetic text.
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