Surgical outcomes for medically refractory epilepsy secondary to posterior cortex ulegyria as sequelae of perinatal insults

Autor: Nilesh Kurwale, Nayan Wadhwani, Deepa Bapat, Aniruddha Joshi, Sandip B. Patil, Yogeshwari Deshmukh, Sujit Jagtap, Sonal Chitnis, Sujit Nilegaonkar
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Epilepsy research. 175
ISSN: 1872-6844
Popis: To study surgical outcomes in pharmaco-resistant epilepsy associated with posterior cortex ulegyria secondary to perinatal insults.A cohort was analysed for clinico-radiological charectaristics, surgical interventions and seizure outcomes.A total of 38 patients underwent surgery, divided as group A - curative surgeries (n = 20) and group B - palliative surgeries (n = 18). Mean age of onset of epilepsy in group A was 5.2 ± 3.4 years against 2.7 ± 2.4 years in group B (p 0.01). Electroclinical Lennox Gastaut Syndrome was encountered in 9/20 patients in group A, against all 18 patients in group B. Disabling reflex epilepsy was seen in 10 (26 %) patients. Interictal electrophysiology localized in the posterior cortex in all patients in group A, but ictal onsets contributed in only 7/20 patients. Nine patients from group A had unilateral parieto-occipital ulegyria while bilateral in 11/20 patients, and 16/18 from group B. Group A patients underwent parieto-occipital resection (n = 10) and temporo-parieto-occipital disconnection (n = 10) while group B underwent complete corpus callosotomy (n = 18). In group A, Engel Ia outcome was achieved in 15/20 patients (75 %) at mean follow up of 23.5 ± 7.9 months. Group B patients experienced cessation of head drops in all 18 patients, with two-third reduction in seizure frequency at 29.2± 12.4 months of mean follow up. Reflex seizures responded completely in both groups.Epilepsy surgeries for posterior cortex ulegyria results in excellent seizure outcomes. Corpus callosotomy appears highly effective as a palliation for head drop as well as disabling reflex seizures in a well selected cohort.
Databáze: OpenAIRE