Ontological insecurity and subjective feelings of unsafety: Analysing socially constructed fears in Italy

Autor: Riccardo Valente, Sergi Valera Pertegas
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Dipòsit Digital de la UB
Universidad de Barcelona
ISSN: 0049-089X
Popis: Perception of insecurity arises as a complex social phenomenon affected by factors that go beyond actual crime rates. Previous contributions to the field of fear of crime studies have shown, for instance, that the perception of social and physical disorder may generate insecurity among residents even in contexts where crime is comparatively low. Meanwhile, sociological approaches have led to a conceptualization of insecurity as an umbrella sentiment grounded in a wider feeling of unease. Building further on this assumption, data gathered in a large-scale survey in Italy (n = 15,428) were analysed by implementing exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with the objective of assessing the validity of a model of “ontological insecurity”. The results of our analysis support a conceptualization of insecurity where socially constructed anxieties (due to health and financial precariousness), as well as ethnic, sexual and religious-based stigmatization, play a prominent role in determining an individual's feeling of insecurity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE