Some differential complexes within and beyond parabolic geometry

Autor: A. Rod Gover, Michael Eastwood, Robert L. Bryant, Katharina Neusser
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Differential Geometry and Tanaka Theory — Differential System and Hypersurface Theory —, T. Shoda and K. Shibuya, eds. (Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan, 2019)
ISSN: 0920-1971
DOI: 10.2969/aspm/08210013
Popis: For smooth manifolds equipped with various geometric structures, we construct complexes that replace the de Rham complex in providing an alternative fine resolution of the sheaf of locally constant functions. In case that the geometric structure is that of a parabolic geometry, our complexes coincide with the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand complex associated with the trivial representation. However, at least in the cases we discuss, our constructions are relatively simple and avoid most of the machinery of parabolic geometry. Moreover, our method extends to certain geometries beyond the parabolic realm.
28 pages. An oversight pointed out to us by Boris Doubrov has been corrected and other minor modifications made
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