Development of a core capability framework for qualified health professionals to optimise care for people with osteoarthritis

Autor: Krysia Dziedzic, Leif Dahlberg, N. Betteridge, Kelli D. Allen, Shirley P. Yu, Penny K Campbell, Søren Thorgaard Skou, Anthony D. Woolf, Andrew M. Briggs, Rana S Hinman, Jillian P Eyles, Kim L Bennell, Francis Berenbaum, M. van der Esch, David J. Hunter
Jazyk: dánština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Hinman, R S, Allen, K D, Bennell, K L, Berenbaum, F, Betteridge, N, Briggs, A M, Campbell, P K, Dahlberg, L E, Dziedzic, K S, Eyles, J P, Hunter, D J, Skou, S T, Woolf, A, Yu, S P & van der Esch, M 2020, ' Development of a core capability framework for qualified health professionals to optimise care for people with osteoarthritis ', Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, bind 28, s. S437-S438 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE