A pilot study describing local residents' perceptions of asthma and knowledge of asthma care in selected Chicago communities

Autor: Maria Niedos, Tzyy-Chyn Hu, Susan Bennett, Terrence Conway
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Chest. 116(4 Suppl 1)
ISSN: 0012-3692
Popis: Study objectives To understand inner-city Chicago residents'perception of the prevalence and severity of asthma as well as theirknowledge of asthma control and management. Design Cross-sectional survey using a random digital telephone dialingmethod. Settings Five inner-city Chicago communitieswhere a high prevalence and mortality of asthma have beenrecognized. Participants All the residents in theselected communities with a residential telephone had an equalopportunity to be surveyed. Measurements and results The unit of measurement was the household. Only one adult member (age18 or older) in any randomly selected household was interviewed. Thesurvey included questions modified from the Chicago Asthma Surveillance Initiative study. A total of 2,322 phone calls with 527 successfulcontacts were made over 1,938 distinct phone lines, resulting in aresponse rate of 175 of 527 calls (33.2%). Seventy-nine of theparticipants (45.1%) reported that at least one of their familymembers (including themselves) has asthma. Eight persons (4.6%)reported asthma as one of the top three health concerns in theircommunity. Of the top three health reasons mentioned for children'sbeing absent from school, only seven persons (4%) mentioned asthma. Participants were unlikely to perceive that the problems with access toasthma care and environmental triggers for asthma in their communitieswere any worse compared with other communities. Participants havingfamily members with diagnosed asthma scored no better when askedgeneral-knowledge questions about asthma or its signs and triggers thanthose without a family member having asthma. Conclusions The participants' knowledge and beliefsabout the seriousness of asthma revealed in this study appearedunlikely to enhance or support compliance with the challengingrequirements of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Panelguidelines. The study was conducted with a small sample, and theresults should be carefullyinterpreted.
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