Exercise-induced muscle 'burning,' fatigue, and hyper-CKemia: mtDNA T10010C mutation in tRNAGly

Autor: Eduardo Bonilla, S. Shanske, S. DiMauro, D. A. Gaskin, Michio Hirano, Yutaka Nishigaki
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Neurology. 58:1282-1285
ISSN: 1526-632X
Popis: A 42-year-old woman presented with myopathy and without a family history of neuromuscular disorder. Muscle biopsy showed ragged red fibers and reduced activities of mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme complexes I, III, and IV. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA revealed a heteroplasmic T10010C mutation in the transfer RNA glycine gene.
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