Introduction: Major challenges and reform options

Autor: Krzysztof Hagemejer
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Schüring, Loewe (Eds.): Handbook on Social Protection Systems
Introduction: Major challenges and reform options. (2021). In Handbook on Social Protection Systems (pp. 648–650). Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI: 10.4337/9781839109119.00081
Popis: The changing world poses many challenges to public policies, including social policies – among them social protection policies, which are the main focus of this handbook. Here, in this part of the handbook, we take on a number of these challenges: demographic changes and their interaction with social protection policies; roles of social protection in coping with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (both topics discussed in Chapter 39 and 43 by Woodall); the challenges of globalisation (discussed in Chapter 40 by Betz) and the limitations it imposes on state sovereignty and its ability to decide on the size of publicly funded programmes, in particular social protection; challenges to labour markets and social effective protection coverage posed by automation and digitalisation of businesses (discussed in Chapter 41 by Gassmann) and, last but not least, potential roles of social protection in facilitating population’s adjustments to climate change (discussed in Chapter 42 by Malerba).
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