HD 56414 b: A Warm Neptune Transiting an A-type Star

Autor: Giacalone, S, Dressing, CD, Muñoz, AG, Hooton, MJ, Stassun, KG, Quinn, SN, Zhou, G, Ziegler, C, Vanderspek, R, Latham, DW, Seager, S, Winn, JN, Jenkins, JM, Briceño, C, Huang, CX, Rodriguez, DR, Shporer, A, Mann, AW, Watanabe, D, Wohler, B
Přispěvatelé: Giacalone, S [0000-0002-8965-3969], Dressing, CD [0000-0001-8189-0233], Muñoz, AG [0000-0003-1756-4825], Hooton, MJ [0000-0003-0030-332X], Stassun, KG [0000-0002-3481-9052], Quinn, SN [0000-0002-8964-8377], Zhou, G [0000-0002-4891-3517], Ziegler, C [0000-0002-0619-7639], Vanderspek, R [0000-0001-6763-6562], Latham, DW [0000-0001-9911-7388], Seager, S [0000-0002-6892-6948], Winn, JN [0000-0002-4265-047X], Jenkins, JM [0000-0002-4715-9460], Briceño, C [0000-0001-7124-4094], Huang, CX [0000-0003-0918-7484], Rodriguez, DR [0000-0003-1286-5231], Shporer, A [0000-0002-1836-3120], Mann, AW [0000-0003-3654-1602], Watanabe, D [0000-0002-3555-8464], Wohler, B [0000-0002-5402-9613], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR_7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité)
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: The Astrophysical journal letters
The Astrophysical journal letters, 2022, 935, ⟨10.3847/2041-8213/ac80f4⟩
ISSN: 2041-8213
Popis: We report the discovery in TESS data and validation of HD 56414 b (a.k.a. TOI-1228 b), a Neptune-size ($R_{\rm p} = 3.71 \pm 0.20\, R_\oplus$) planet with a 29-day orbital period transiting a young (Age = $420 \pm 140$ Myr) A-type star in the TESS southern continuous viewing zone. HD 56414 is one of the hottest stars ($T_{\rm eff} = 8500 \pm 150 \, {\rm K}$) to host a known sub-Jovian planet. HD 56414 b lies on the boundary of the hot Neptune desert in planet radius -- bolometric insolation flux space, suggesting that the planet may be experiencing mass loss. To explore this, we apply a photoevaporation model that incorporates the high near ultraviolet continuum emission of A-type stars. We find that the planet can retain most of its atmosphere over the typical 1-Gyr main sequence lifetime of an A-type star if its mass is $\ge 8 \, M_\oplus$. Our model also predicts that close-in Neptune-size planets with masses $< 14 \, M_\oplus$ are susceptible to total atmospheric stripping over 1 Gyr, hinting that the hot Neptune desert, which has been previously observed around FGKM-type stars, likely extends to A-type stars.
12 pages, 4 figures, 1 table
Databáze: OpenAIRE