A sublexical training study for spelling in a biliterate Greek- and English-speaking child

Autor: Jackie Masterson, Georgia Niolaki, Aris Terzopoulos
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 27:540-562
ISSN: 1464-0694
DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2015.1105825
Popis: RI is an emergent trilingual boy, literate in Greek and English, with difficulties in reading and spelling in both languages. Assessment with non-literacy tests revealed a deficit in phonological ability and in visual memory for sequentially presented characters. RI took part in a training programme that targeted sublexical spelling processes. Post-intervention assessment revealed improvement in reading and spelling in Greek but not in English. Assessments of lexical and sublexical skills showed improvement in nonword spelling and nonword reading for Greek. For English, there was some indication of improvement in nonword reading at delayed post-intervention testing, but no evidence of improvement in nonword spelling. Possible reasons for the difference in outcome for the two languages are considered, including the level of transparency of written Greek and English.
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