Evolution of vegetation and climate variability on the Tibetan Plateau over the past 1.74 million years

Autor: Feng Qin, Yaoliang Liu, Polychronis C Tzedakis, Chen Liang, Chenglong Deng, Weihe Ren, Junyi Ge, Quan Li, Haicheng Wei, Zicheng Yu, Jiawu Zhang, Huan Li, Hanfei Yang, Zhengtang Guo, Qiao-Yu Cui, H. John B. Birks, Yan Zhao, Zhiyong Zhang, Vivian A. Felde, Hui Zhao, Maotang Cai
Přispěvatelé: Earth and Climate
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: eaay6193
Science Advances
Zhao, Y, Tzedakis, P C, Li, Q, Qin, F, Cui, Q, Liang, C, Birks, J B H, Liu, Y, Zhang, Z, Ge, J, Zhao, H, Felde, V A, Deng, C, Cai, M, Li, H, Ren, W, Wei, H, Yang, H, Zhang, J, Yu, Z & Guo, Z 2020, ' Evolution of vegetation and climate variability on the Tibetan Plateau over the past 1.74 million years ', Science advances, vol. 6, no. 19, eaay6193, pp. 1-12 . https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aay6193
Science advances, 6(19):eaay6193, 1-12. American Association for the Advancement of Science
ISSN: 2375-2548
Popis: Low- and high-latitude influences have shaped the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau climate over the past 1.74 million years.
The Tibetan Plateau exerts a major influence on Asian climate, but its long-term environmental history remains largely unknown. We present a detailed record of vegetation and climate changes over the past 1.74 million years in a lake sediment core from the Zoige Basin, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Results show three intervals with different orbital- and millennial-scale features superimposed on a stepwise long-term cooling trend. The interval of 1.74–1.54 million years ago is characterized by an insolation-dominated mode with strong ~20,000-year cyclicity and quasi-absent millennial-scale signal. The interval of 1.54–0.62 million years ago represents a transitional insolation-ice mode marked by ~20,000- and ~40,000-year cycles, with superimposed millennial-scale oscillations. The past 620,000 years are characterized by an ice-driven mode with 100,000-year cyclicity and less frequent millennial-scale variability. A pronounced transition occurred 620,000 years ago, as glacial cycles intensified. These new findings reveal how the interaction of low-latitude insolation and high-latitude ice-volume forcing shaped the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau climate.
Databáze: OpenAIRE