Baroreflex responses to the stress of severe hemorrhage in the rat

Autor: T. Burkholder, Walter C. Randall, T. Kroeker, S. Huprich, K. Firth, K. Hotmire
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science. 27:197-208
ISSN: 1936-3567
Popis: In two groups of anesthetized (sodium pentobarbital), mature Sprague-Dawley rats, 1) aged 2 years and weighing 300-400 grams, 2) aged 6 months weighing 200-300 grams, baroreflex-induced circulatory responses to pressor (graded doses phenylephrine) and depressor (graded doses nitroglycerine) agents were compared to those occurring during progressive hemorrhage in the same animals. Graded withdrawals of blood from the femoral artery elicited progressive hypotension accompanied by bradycardia rather than expected tachycardia. Graded doses of phenylephrine (2.5 ug to 40 ug bolus, via femoral vein) regularly induced elevations in arterial blood pressure with associated reflex bradycardia. Similarly graded doses of nitroglycerine induced a marked decline in arterial blood pressure, without expected tachycardia. As hypotension became more severe (during hemorrhage), atrioventricular conduction slowed and A-V block developed, resulting in statistically greater slowing in ventricular than in atrial excitation and contractile cycles. Heart failure during hemorrhage in the rat is characterized sequentially by severe bradycardia, depressed atrial contractile force, impaired conduction and A-V block, terminating in ventricular, atrial, and finally, in pacemaker failure. Baroreceptor reflexes were blunted or even absent in both young and old animals during induced hypotension.
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