Determination of the absolute jet energy scale in the DO calorimeters

Autor: B Abbott, M Abolins, B.S Acharya, I Adam, D.L Adams, M Adams, S Ahn, H Aihara, G.A Alves, N Amos, E.W Anderson, R Astur, M.M Baarmand, L Babukhadia, A Baden, V Balamurali, J Balderston, B Baldin, S Banerjee, J Bantly, E Barberis, J.F Bartlett, A Belyaev, S.B Beri, I Bertram, V.A Bezzubov, P.C Bhat, V Bhatnagar, M Bhattacharjee, N Biswas, G Blazey, S Blessing, P Bloom, A Boehnlein, N.I Bojko, F Borcherding, C Boswell, A Brandt, R Brock, A Bross, D Buchholz, V.S Burtovoi, J.M Butler, W Carvalho, D Casey, Z Casilum, H Castilla-Valdez, D Chakraborty, S.-M Chang, S.V Chekulaev, L.-P Chen, W Chen, S Choi, S Chopra, B.C Choudhary, J.H Christenson, M Chung, D Claes, A.R Clark, W.G Cobau, J Cochran, L Coney, W.E Cooper, C Cretsinger, D Cullen-Vidal, M.A.C Cummings, D Cutts, O.I Dahl, K Davis, K De, K.Del Signore, M Demarteau, D Denisov, S.P Denisov, H.T Diehl, M Diesburg, G.Di Loreto, P Draper, Y Ducros, L.V Dudko, S.R Dugad, D Edmunds, J Ellison, V.D Elvira, R Engelmann, S Eno, G Eppley, P Ermolov, O.V Eroshin, V.N Evdokimov, T Fahland, M.K Fatyga, S Feher, D Fein, T Ferbel, G Finocchiaro, H.E Fisk, Y Fisyak, E Flattum, G.E Forden, M Fortner, K.C Frame, S Fuess, E Gallas, A.N Galyaev, P Gartung, V Gavrilov, T.L Geld, R.J.Genik II, K Genser, C.E Gerber, Y Gershtein, B Gibbard, S Glenn, B Gobbi, A Goldschmidt, B Gómez, G Gómez, P.I Goncharov, J.L GonzálezSolı́s, H Gordon, L.T Goss, K Gounder, A Goussiou, N Graf, P.D Grannis, D.R Green, H Greenlee, S Grinstein, P Grudberg, S Grünendahl, G Guglielmo, J.A Guida, J.M Guida, A Gupta, S.N Gurzhiev, G Gutierrez, P Gutierrez, N.J Hadley, H Haggerty, S Hagopian, V Hagopian, K.S Hahn, R.E Hall, P Hanlet, S Hansen, J.M Hauptman, D Hedin, A.P Heinson, U Heintz, R Hernández-Montoya, T Heuring, R Hirosky, J.D Hobbs, B Hoeneisen, J.S Hoftun, F Hsieh, Ting Hu, Tong Hu, T Huehn, A.S Ito, E James, J Jaques, S.A Jerger, R Jesik, J.Z.-Y Jiang, T Joffe-Minor, K Johns, M Johnson, A Jonckheere, M Jones, H Jöstlein, S.Y Jun, C.K Jung, S Kahn, G Kalbfleisch, J.S Kang, D Karmanov, D Karmgard, R Kehoe, M.L Kelly, C.L Kim, S.K Kim, B Klima, C Klopfenstein, J.M Kohli, D Koltick, A.V Kostritskiy, J Kotcher, A.V Kotwal, J Kourlas, A.V Kozelov, E.A Kozlovsky, J Krane, M.R Krishnaswamy, S Krzywdzinski, S Kuleshov, S Kunori, F Landry, G Landsberg, B Lauer, A Leflat, H Li, J Li, Q.Z Li-Demarteau, J.G.R Lima, D Lincoln, S.L Linn, J Linnemann, R Lipton, Y.C Liu, F Lobkowicz, S.C Loken, S Lökös, L Lueking, A.L Lyon, A.K.A Maciel, R.J Madaras, R Madden, L Magaña-Mendoza, V Manankov, S Mani, H.S Mao, R Markeloff, T Marshall, M.I Martin, K.M Mauritz, B May, A.A Mayorov, R McCarthy, J McDonald, T McKibben, J McKinley, T McMahon, H.L Melanson, M Merkin, K.W Merritt, H Miettinen, A Mincer, C.S Mishra, N Mokhov, N.K Mondal, H.E Montgomery, P Mooney, H da Motta, C Murphy, F Nang, M Narain, V.S Narasimham, A Narayanan, H.A Neal, J.P Negret, P Nemethy, D Norman, L Oesch, V Oguri, E Oliveira, E Oltman, N Oshima, D Owen, P Padley, A Para, Y.M Park, R Partridge, N Parua, M Paterno, B Pawlik, J Perkins, M Peters, R Piegaia, H Piekarz, Y Pischalnikov, B.G Pope, H.B Prosper, S Protopopescu, J Qian, P.Z Quintas, R Raja, S Rajagopalan, O Ramirez, L Rasmussen, S Reucroft, M Rijssenbeek, T Rockwell, M Roco, P Rubinov, R Ruchti, J Rutherfoord, A Sánchez-Hernández, A Santoro, L Sawyer, R.D Schamberger, H Schellman, J Sculli, E Shabalina, C Shaffer, H.C Shankar, R.K Shivpuri, M Shupe, H Singh, J.B Singh, V Sirotenko, W Smart, E Smith, R.P Smith, R Snihur, G.R Snow, J Snow, S Snyder, J Solomon, M Sosebee, N Sotnikova, M Souza, A.L Spadafora, G Steinbrück, R.W Stephens, M.L Stevenson, D Stewart, F Stichelbaut, D Stoker, V Stolin, D.A Stoyanova, M Strauss, K Streets, M Strovink, A Sznajder, P Tamburello, J Tarazi, M Tartaglia, T.L.T Thomas, J Thompson, T.G Trippe, P.M Tuts, N Varelas, E.W Varnes, D Vititoe, A.A Volkov, A.P Vorobiev, H.D Wahl, G Wang, J Warchol, G Watts, M Wayne, H Weerts, A White, J.T White, J.A Wightman, S Willis, S.J Wimpenny, J.V.D Wirjawan, J Womersley, E Won, D.R Wood, H Xu, R Yamada, P Yamin, J Yang, T Yasuda, P Yepes, C Yoshikawa, S Youssef, J Yu, Y Yu, Z Zhou, Z.H Zhu, D Zieminska, A Zieminski, E.G Zverev, A Zylberstejn
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The DZERO detector is used to study proton-antiproton collisions at the 1800 GeV and 630 GeV center-of-mass energies available at the Fermilab Tevatron. To measure jets, the detector uses a sampling calorimeter composed of uranium and liquid argon as the passive and active media respectively. Understanding the jet energy calibration is not only crucial for precision tests of QCD, but also for the measurement of particle masses and the determination of physics backgrounds associated with new phenomena. This paper describes the energy calibration of jets observed with the DZERO detector at the two proton-antiproton center-of-mass energies in the transverse energy and pseudorapidity range ET>8 GeV and pseudorapidity
94 pages with 52 figures (included in the 94 pages)
Databáze: OpenAIRE