An Overview of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) in Dairy Cattle

Autor: Biswa Ranjan Jena, Ashvini Bansod*, Sumeet Singh1, Gourab Basak2 and Abhilash Jadhao3
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7296534
Popis: In dairy cows, disproportion in lactic acid producing and lactic acid utilizing bacteria promote the occurrence of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA). Differences in volatile fatty acid (VFA) absorption rate and expression of genes involved in VFA metabolism, intracellular pH regulation in rumen epithelial cells and in situ carbohydrate digestibility in the rumen may exist in lactating dairy cows with a higher or reduced risk of SARA. Hygienic feed management and feeding strategies must strike a balance between ruminal buffering and the formation of volatile fatty acids from carbohydrate fermentation. In present review, we will discuss cause, consequences and prevention of SARA in order to reduce economic losses to dairy farmers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE