The impact of Stellar feedback from velocity-dependent ionised gas maps. -- A MUSE view of Haro 11

Autor: G. Östlin, L. Della Bruna, Nils Bergvall, Angela Adamo, A. Bik, Veronica Menacho, Matthew Hayes, Jens Melinder, Edmund Christian Herenz
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: We have used the capability of the MUSE instrument to explore the impact of stellar feedback at large scales in Haro 11, a galaxy under extreme starburst condition and one of the first galaxies where Lyman continuum (LyC) has been detected. Using Ha, [OIII] and [OI] emission lines from deep MUSE observations, we have constructed a sequence of velocity-dependent maps of the Ha emission, the state of the ionised gas and a tracer of fast shocks. These allowed us to investigate the ionisation structure of the galaxy in 50 kms^2 bins over a velocity range of -400 to 350 kms. The ionised gas in Haro 11 is assembled by a rich arrangement of structures, such as superbubbles, filaments, arcs and galactic ionised channels, whose appearances change drastically with velocity. The central star forming knots and the star forming dusty arm are the main engines that power the strong mechanical feedback in this galaxy, although with different impact on the ionisation structure. Haro 11 appears to leak LyC radiation in many directions. We found evidence of a kpc-scale fragmented superbubble, that may have cleared galactic-scale channels in the ISM. Additionally, the southwestern hemisphere is highly ionised in all velocities, hinting at a density bound scenario. A compact kpc-scale structure of lowly ionised gas coincides with the diffuse Lya emission and the presence of fast shocks. Finally, we find evidence that a significant fraction of the ionised gas mass may escape the gravitational potential of the galaxy.
Pubisched version. Ionisation values were corrected after discovering a bug in a code used to generate the maps
Databáze: OpenAIRE