Search for macroscopic CP violating forces using a neutron EDM spectrometer

Autor: N. A. Dovator, A. P. Serebrov, A. N. Pirozhkov, A. V. Vasiliev, V. E. Varlamov, Vladimir M Lobashev, A. K. Fomin, Peter Geltenbort, Evgenii B. Aleksandrov, I. A. Krasnoshekova, O. Zimmer, E. A. Kolomensky, S. P. Dmitriev, M. S. Lasakov, O. M. Zherebtsov, S. N. Ivanov
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.0912.2175
Popis: The search for CP violating forces between nucleons in the so-called axion window of force ranges lam between 2x10^-5 m and 0.02 m is interesting because only little experimental information is available there. Axion-like particles would induce a pseudo-magnetic field for neutrons close to bulk matter. A laboratory search investigates neutron spin precession close to a heavy mirror using ultracold neutrons in a magnetic resonance spectrometer. From the absence of a shift of the magnetic resonance we established new constraints on the coupling strength of axion-like particles in terms of the product gs x gp of scalar and pseudo-scalar dimensionless constants, as a function of the force range lam, gs x gp x lam^2
10 pages, 3 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE