Sports nutrition to promote post-exercise recovery

Autor: Beelen, M.
Přispěvatelé: van Loon, Lucas, Nutrition and Movement Sciences, RS: NUTRIM - R3 - Chronic inflammatory disease and wasting
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The intake of sports nutrition during the recovery period after intensive exertion is important for supplementing the energy reserves in the body and for stimulating muscle growth. This dissertation studies the effects of carbohydrate and protein intake on muscle repair. The conclusions are that endurance sportsmen benefit most from recovery drinks that contain both carbohydrates and protein. This supplements the carbohydrate reserves in the muscle and stimulates muscle growth. Power sportsmen should predominantly focus on the intake of proteins to enhance muscle growth, but they can inhibit protein decomposition by supplementing a small quantity of carbohydrates and supplement the carbohydrate reserves in the muscle. Moreover, both types of sportsmen can prolong the recovery period by taking the recovery drink already during exertion and/or shortly before going to sleep.
Databáze: OpenAIRE