Impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine life:Publication patterns, new discoveries, and future directions in research and management

Autor: Patrick D. O'Hara, Erin Ashe, Steve D Simpson, Andrew J. Wright, Matthew A. Wale, Andrew N. Radford, Louise Thomas, S. Cullis-Suzuki, D. T. Dakin, Christopher W. Clark, Philip S. Hammond, Louise K. Blight, Christine Erbe, Rosaline Canessa, Rob Williams, Julia Purser, Rick Bruintjes, Nathan D. Merchant
Přispěvatelé: European Commission, University of St Andrews. School of Biology, University of St Andrews. Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews. Marine Alliance for Science & Technology Scotland, University of St Andrews. Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St Andrews. Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews. Statistics
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Williams, R, Wright, A J, Ashe, E, Blight, L K, Bruintjes, R, Canessa, R, Clark, C W, Cullis-Suzuki, S, Dakin, D T, Erbe, C, Hammond, P S, Merchant, N D, O'Hara, P D, Purser, J, Radford, A N, Simpson, S D, Thomas, L & Wale, M A 2015, ' Impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine life : Publication patterns, new discoveries, and future directions in research and management ', Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 115, pp. 17-24 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.05.021
Popis: Funding for R. Bruintjes, J. Purser, A. N. Radford, S. D, Simpson and M. A. Wale was provided by the UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). N.D. Merchant received travel funding from Ocean Networks Canada. RW was supported by a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (Project CONCEAL, FP7, PIIF-GA-2009-253407), and received travel funding to attend IMCC3 from the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) Marine Section and the International Whaling Commission’s Climate Change steering group (with thanks to Mark Simmonds). A.J. Wright also received travel funding to attend IMCC3 from the SCB Marine Section. Date of Acceptance: 28/05/2015 Anthropogenic underwater noise is now recognized as a world-wide problem, and recent studies have shown a broad range of negative effects in a variety of taxa. Underwater noise from shipping is increasingly recognized as a significant and pervasive pollutant with the potential to impact marine ecosystems on a global scale. We reviewed six regional case studies as examples of recent research and management activities relating to ocean noise in a variety of taxonomic groups, locations, and approaches. However, as no six projects could ever cover all taxa, sites and noise sources, a brief bibliometric analysis places these case studies into the broader historical and topical context of the peer-reviewed ocean noise literature as a whole. The case studies highlighted emerging knowledge of impacts, including the ways that non-injurious effects can still accumulate at the population level, and detailed approaches to guide ocean noise management. They build a compelling case that a number of anthropogenic noise types can affect a variety of marine taxa. Meanwhile, the bibliometric analyses revealed an increasing diversity of ocean noise topics covered and journal outlets since the 1940s. This could be seen in terms of both the expansion of the literature from more physical interests to ecological impacts of noise, management and policy, and consideration of a widening range of taxa. However, if our scientific knowledge base is ever to get ahead of the curve of rapid industrialization of the ocean, we are going to have to identify naïve populations and relatively pristine seas, and construct mechanistic models, so that we can predict impacts before they occur, and guide effective mitigation for the most vulnerable populations. Publisher PDF
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