Cerebellar activity in young people with familial risk for psychosis — The Oulu Brain and Mind Study

Autor: Irma Moilanen, Pirjo Mäki, Jennifer H. Barnett, Jenni Koivukangas, Jouko Miettunen, Vesa Kiviniemi, Peter B. Jones, Juha Veijola, Tuomas Jukuri, Juha Nikkinen, Tanja Nordström, Sari Mukkala, Graham K. Murray
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Schizophrenia Research. 169:46-53
ISSN: 0920-9964
Popis: Objective The cerebellum plays a critical role in cognition and behavior. Altered function of the cerebellum has been related to schizophrenia and psychosis but it is not known how this applies to spontaneous resting state activity in young people with familial risk for psychosis. Methods We conducted resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) in 72 (29 male) young adults with a history of psychosis in one or both parents (FR) but without their own psychosis, and 72 (29 male) similarly healthy control subjects without parental psychosis. Both groups in the Oulu Brain and Mind Study were drawn from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. Participants were 20–25 years old. Parental psychosis was established using the Care Register for Health Care. R-fMRI data pre-processing was conducted using independent component analysis with 30 and 70 components. A dual regression technique was used to detect between-group differences in the cerebellum with p Results FR participants demonstrated statistically significantly increased activity compared to control subjects in the anterior lobe of the right cerebellum in the analysis with 70 components. The volume of the increased activity was 73 mm 3 . There was no difference between the groups in the analysis with 30 components. Conclusion The finding suggests that increased activity of the anterior lobe of the right cerebellum may be associated with increased vulnerability to psychosis. The finding is novel, and needs replication to be confirmed.
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