Chromosomal localisation and genetic variation of the SLC11A1 gene in goats (Capra hircus)

Autor: Maria Luisa Diaz, Maria Luisa Dettori, Mariella Nieddu, Giuseppe Massimo Vacca, Roberto Mezzanotte, Michele Pazzola, Renato Robledo, Vincenzo Carcangiu, C. Pisano
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: The Veterinary Journal. 190:60-65
ISSN: 1090-0233
Popis: The solute carrier family 11 member A1 ( SLC11A1 ) gene is associated with resistance to infectious diseases. Chromosomal localisation, genomic regions corresponding to functional domains and the genetic variability of microsatellites in the 3′ untranslated region (3′-UTR) of this gene were investigated in 427 goats ( Capra hircus ) of six breeds. Using dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation, SLC11A1 was localised to goat chromosome 2. Single strand conformation polymorphism was used to screen for polymorphisms in SLC11A1 exons 2, 10 and 15. There was no variation among goat breeds in the sarcoma homology 3 (SH3) binding motif, the protein kinase C phosphorylation site or the two N-linked glycosylation sites. Exon 15 exhibited variability due to the presence of two polymorphic microsatellites. Genotyping of the upstream guanine–thymine repeat (GTn) at 3′-UTR revealed eight alleles (GT11, GT12, GT14–GT19) in goats, whereas GT13 (present in cattle) was absent. Most goats carried the GT16 allele and no allele was found to be exclusive to only one breed. The coefficient of genetic differentiation value ( G ST ) was 0.084. This microsatellite appears to be an informative DNA marker for genetic linkage analysis in goats.
Databáze: OpenAIRE